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South East Technological University Governing Body has established an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee of the Governing Body from which it derives its authority and to which it regularly reports. The purpose of the committee is to assist and advise the Governing Body in the performance of its functions by providing governance and oversight which will achieved by reviewing reports and assurances received from the President and the SETU Executive Management Team. The committee will also provide guidance and direction on policy matters associated the achievement of EDI objectives across the university. The Governing Body has appointed Ms Ruth Beadle to be the Chair of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

  • Ms Ruth Beadle, Chairperson - Governing Body external member
  • Dr David Denieffe - President's nominee
  • Mr Mark Dunne - President SETUSU 
  • Ms Sarah Clarke - Governing Body staff member
  • Dr Cara Daly - Member of the University community nominated by the President
  • Ms Kelly Han - Member of the University community nominated by the President
  • Mr Paul Bennett - Member of the University with knowledge/expertise in EDI
  • Mr Jeremie Sandot - Member of the University with knowledge/expertise in EDI
  • Ms Mary Connors Aldridge - Independent external member 
  • Dr Vivian Rath - Independent external member