SETU PMSS Excellence Award Scheme
The President's Office is delighted to support a new pilot staff recognition award scheme for PMSS staff titled; SETU PMSS Excellence Award.
Launched on 22 March 2024, with awards from this round to be announced at an awards ceremony on the 27th of September 2024. This event will be live-streamed for all of the SETU community. In-person attendance will be by invitation only.
The Live Stream Link is here and will be live from 11 am on Friday the 27th of September
- Awards will be made based on contributions made by staff to the unit, department, school/faculty, and university.
- It will consider activities undertaken by PMSS staff member/s who demonstrate excellence, innovation and inclusivity as an individual/team.
- The scheme is open to all PMSS staff employed by SETU across all campuses.
- This new scheme falls under the umbrella of SETU excellence awards.
All queries relating to this scheme can be sent to [email protected]
The Excellence Awards in Staff Recognition reflect SETU’s commitment to excellence and recognise staff who;
- demonstrate inclusivity, impact, innovation and excellence in their work at SETU.
- illustrate contributions and commitment to the university, its goals and core values.
- foster collaboration, communication, and cooperation among colleagues, university constituents and external partners.
This scheme aligns to four of our six SETU core values: Promotes Excellence (1), rewards working collaboratively (2), embraces inclusivity (3), rewards those who treat others with respect and behave with integrity (4).
The selection criteria are aligned with the institutional priorities as articulated in our Strategic plan SETU Strategic Plan, Connecting for Impact 2023-2028 Specifically Strategic Objective no. 10, Action 10.7
The call for nominations is currently closed- the call will re-open for 2024/2025 in semester two.
Eligibility Criteria:
- The award scheme is open to all professional, managerial and support staff (PMSS) employed by SETU across the campus community.
- Nominees (SETU staff) must be working and have completed their period of probation.
- Self-nomination is not permitted.
- Nominee consent is required.
- Individual and Team based nominations are welcome.
- Individual and Team Nominees must be supported by two members of staff (current staff).
If you are unsure if the person(s) you wish to nominate are eligible please email [email protected]
The call for nominations is currently closed- the call will re-open for 2024/2025 in semester two.
The nominee should provide essential services to the university while demonstrating excellence in performance, personal interaction, initiative and creativity, innovation, inclusivity, and outstanding achievement. Nominees (individual/team-based) for the PMSS Excellence Award must demonstrate qualities with reference to the criteria below. Nominations are marked out of an overall score of 100.
- Consistently make a positive impact through excellent contribution and commitment to the University's core purpose and values;
- Have showcased/demonstrated some level of inclusivity within their area of work/s (individually or as part of a team) where applicable.
- Have a significant and demonstrable impact on the university through outstanding service to the university, and/or ingenuity/innovation in their area/unit or field of work;
- Have demonstrated an exceptional ability to foster collaboration, communication, and cooperation among colleagues, university constituents and/or external partners where relevant.
Each nomination must provide evidence of outcomes and impacts. Please review our Guidance Document below in advance.
The call for nominations is currently closed- the call will re-open for 2024/2025 in semester two.
Steps in completing an online nomination;
- Two SETU staff nominee proposers are required for each PMSS staff nomination.
- Nominations are initiated by an SETU employee/s completing an online nomination form before the deadline.
- You must select one type of nominee award (i.e. individual/team).
- The nominee (s) must agree to be nominated.
- Incomplete or late submissions will not be accepted.
Proposers may like to use the word template provided to draft their initial response before entering the details online.
Note Staff members nominating can be at any level.
The completed nomination form should be submitted online before 5 pm on Friday 26th of April 2024.
Key Documents:
- Guidance Document (pending)
- Word Nomination Template (This Word document is provided solely for information purposes; please note some differences between this and the final version of the online nomination form may occur). Word versions of the nomination form will not be accepted.
- Online Nomination Form (Pending)
All queries relating to this scheme can be sent to [email protected]
Timeline of the 2024 call.
Stage | Details (updated 10.04.24) | Date |
Stage 1 | Call for nominations open: nominees must consent, no self-nominations. | 22.03.24 |
Stage 1 D/L | Call Nomination Deadline 5pm on Friday 12th of April 2024 (EXTENDED) | 26.04.24 |
Stage 1 | Eligibility checks completed by | 10.05.24 |
Stage 2 | Selection review panel _ shortlisting process completed by | 31.05.24 |
Stage 2 | Executive Decision Meeting completed by | 20.06.24 |
Stage 3 | Announcement and Ceremony - Live Streamed | 27.09.24 |

All queries relating to this scheme can be sent to [email protected]
Nominees for the 2024 Award
Individual Nominees
- Aisling Fitzgerald
- Hannah Butler
- Lisa Reid
- Olive O’ Connor
- Róisín Shanahan
- Yvonne Scully
- Noelle Reilly
- Jessica O'Hara
- Kim Harte
- John Power
- Claire Fitzpatrick
- Angela Collins
- Laura Hartrey
- Tess Ames
- Madie Doyle
- Mary Boylan
- Angela Rossiter
Team Nominees
- Web Development Team
- Centre for Technology and Enhanced Learning (CTEL)
- PMSS Technician Team _Applied Science
2024 Awardees
SETU’s inaugural PMSS (Professional, Managerial, and Support Staff) Excellence Awards took place on 27 September, at the SETU Arena in Waterford.
The first-annual awards ceremony is part of a new staff recognition initiative launched by the President of SETU, Professor Veronica Campbell, in March 2024. The initiative gives staff across SETU’s varied PMSS teams the opportunity to nominate colleagues for Excellence Awards in recognition of their contribution and commitment to the University.
SETU was delighted to announce this year’s staff award recipients, including four individuals and one team. Each recipient was presented with an award by Prof. Veronica Campbell.
- Mary Boylan, Peer Support Officer.
- Angela Collins, Head of Careers at SETU’s Careers Development Centre
- Kim Harte, Librarian
- Róisín Shanahan, Sexual Violence & Harassment Prevention & Response Manager
- Centre for Technology-Enhanced Learning (CTEL) Team
For the full news ttory and individual profiles please visit