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The EDI Office is committed to ensuring that all across our community receive timely and appropriate training to ensure support an environment in which equality, diversity and inclusion is valued and respected.

Training & development

Some of the training offered by the EDI Office includes:

  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Higher Education (E-learning programme)
  • Unconscious Bias Training
  • Dignity & Respect at Work Training
  • Gender Identity & Expression Training
  • Active Consent Training (E-learning Programme)
  • Bystander Intervention Training (E-learning Programme)
  • Offering Support in the Aftermath of Rape and Sexual Assault


SETU operates an EDI Fund, which aims to provide financial support for staff or student initiative in this area. Calls for proposals are made in October each year.

It is critical that staff in SETU are aware of key definitions in relation to consent, sexual violence and harassment as well as their role in supporting disclosures, and the wide-spread roll out of training for staff in this area will begin in 2021/22.

Active* Consent Training for Staff

The following video developed by Active* Consent provides important information in relation to concepts, statistics and basic language for staff to help them support students or colleagues who disclose sexual violence to them.

Active* Consent Staff Awareness Raising Video - YouTube

Staff can also take the full Active* Consent E-Learning Module.

Bystander Intervention Training

SETU is committed to rolling out Bystander Intervention training for students and staff across its campuses. The aim of the Bystander Intervention training is to highlight the danger of normalising and accepting abusive behaviour and through education, inform and empower programme participants to better understand their capacity to intervene as pro-social bystanders. The Bystander Intervention Programme provides participants with an understanding of key issues related to consent and the boundaries surrounding sexual assault, rape and abusive relationships. It also enables them to develop key intervention skills which can be utilised in any setting. The programme is led by Professor Louise Crowley of the School of Law, UCC, and will be made available to all staff in SETU.

A short introductory Bystander video, which outlines key elements of the training is available here.

Offering support in the aftermath of rape and sexual assault

Training for designated contact persons and other staff members on offering support in the aftermath of rape and sexual assault was rolled out from October 2021.

Active* Consent Training

SETU is committed to ensuring that all of our students engage in Active* Consent training to ensure the development of a consent culture on campus. All incoming first year students since 2020-21 have undertaken Active* Consent training as part of their Student Orientation. Additionally, Active* Consent training will be rolled out to all other SETU Waterford students, including postgrad and research students, in the 2021/22 Academic Year.

Students can also take the full Active* Consent E-Learning Module.

Bystander Intervention Training

SETU is committed to rolling out Bystander Intervention training for students across its campuses.

The aim of the Bystander Intervention training is to highlight the danger of normalising and accepting abusive behaviour and through education, inform and empower programme participants to better understand their capacity to intervene as pro-social bystanders. The Bystander Intervention Programme provides students with an understanding of key issues related to consent and the boundaries surrounding sexual assault, rape and abusive relationships. It also enables them to develop key intervention skills which can be utilised in any setting. The programme is led by Professor Louise Crowley of the School of Law, UCC, and will be made available to all students in SETU.

A short introductory Bystander video, which outlines key elements of the training is available here.

Contact us

Contact us

Please contact us for more information about the training we provide, or to arrange a training session for your area/department.