Introduction to EDI

Welcome from Dr Allison Kenneally, Vice President for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
South East Technological University is committed to creating and supporting a diverse campus community that promotes and advances equality, respects and values diversity, and develops a culture in which the human rights and dignity of all students and staff are recognised and respected.
SETU recognises the value of diversity amongst our students and staff and seeks to promote equality and prevent discrimination in all forms in the access, experience, progression and achievement of all students and staff.
The Office of the Vice President for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion has been developed to realise the Institutes objectives in this regard and will work to ensure that SETU not only meets its obligations as an equal opportunities employer and public service provider, but also creates a community where all are supported to realise their full potential.

Get in touch
The EDI team at SETU are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Feel free to reach out through the following contacts:
- Carlow/Wexford Campuses: [email protected]
- Waterford Campuses: [email protected]
- Follow EDI on Instagram: @edi_setuireland
- Follow EDI on Twitter/X :@EDI_SETU
EDI 101: Glossary and Guides
Why Words Matter in Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
Creating a truly inclusive environment starts with communication. In EDI, understanding the right terminology is key. But with so many terms floating around, it can feel confusing! Just like any field, EDI has specific terms that ensure everyone is on the same page. By using the right words, we show respect for others and avoid misunderstandings. Clear communication is key to building trust and fostering a sense of belonging for everyone.
For more information
See Literacy Glossary
See Intersectionality Guide
See Shoutout Terminology