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SETU Carlow campus catering contractor, KSG takes responsibility for their impact on society and as a result, integrate social and environmental concerns into our mainstream business operations. They incorporate a balanced approach into how they do business across a range of pillars, these include:


KSG’s teams build trust and develop strategic partnerships in local communities to secure long-term sustainability. This includes fundraising and volunteering initiatives with our chosen charity St. Francis Hospice.

They also support some of their own and their client’s local charities such as St. Michael’s House, COPE and Down Syndrome Ireland through employment schemes and volunteering activities.


Being sustainable, considerate to the environment and delivering lasting business practices is a must do for the planet and for all of us. KSG’s approach is unique and diverse, supported and delivered by our Sustainability champions.

KSG’s sustainable commitment over the next 5 years includes:

  • 10% Increase of purchases from KGS's farm produce
  • Reduction in general waste by 6%
  • Reduced energy usage by 39% over 5 years
  • Increase charitable contribution by 5%

Green Campus Infograph on the benefits of a vegan and low carbon meal in the Canteen.