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The University's quality assurance systems aim to assure all stakeholders that all SETU activities are at an appropriate standard and are fit for purpose, and to facilitate their ongoing enhancement and development.

The SETU academic council has formal responsibility for quality assurance. It is appointed by Governing Body to assist it in the planning, co-ordination, development and overseeing of the educational work of the University and to protect, maintain and develop the academic standards of the courses and the activities of the University.

The University 's Quality Assurance systems are captured in the annual quality report published by the national regulatory agency - Quality & Qualifications Ireland and are subject to periodic external review by the same agency. The quality assurance systems are inspired by the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area ("the ESG") and are directed by those standards.

Regulations and policies

Main academic quality assurance processes

The quality of all programmes is monitored on an ongoing basis. Internal programme boards, which include student members, report annually to SETU academic council. External examiners validate the quality of all assessment activity and work with staff on the ongoing development of programmes.

The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQR) is an annual report about internal quality assurance that SETU provides to the national academic quality regulatory agency - Quality & Qualifications Ireland (QQI). The AQR has been developed with reference to the ENQA (the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) European Standards and Guidelines, upon which QQI's Core Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines are based.

SETU’s AIQR documents