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Adult Literacy is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union

The BA in Adult and Further Education is a 60 credit, NFQ Level 7 award, follow-on course from the Higher Certificate, designed to meet the needs of tutors and practitioners who are currently working in adult and further education settings (FET) including adult basic education, adult literacy, adult education and community education or those wishing to pursue a career teaching or tutoring in the FET sector.  Throughout the programme, participants will develop their knowledge of adult education theory in order to enhance their practice and self-confidence as adult education tutors/practitioners.  The programme offers participants the opportunity to build on their knowledge base, so that they can critically reflect on the values which are under-pining their practice while simultaneously extending their skills to become more innovative in their approaches to adult education practice.  The programme reflects the key developments and trends in contemporary adult education, both nationally and internationally.  Our experienced lecturing team enrich participants' learning experience by valuing the wealth of experience and knowledge that adult learners bring to the classroom.  Participants can apply their learning directly to their practice and share their experiences with peers and lecturers in a supportive learning environment. This modular programme is delivered in part-time blended flexible mode in order to facilitate adult learners.

The BA (Ord) in Adult & Further Education is a part-time blended learning modular programme with a flexible delivery model that facilitates the working practitioner.  Traditionally, the programme is delivered through a combination of face-to-face and blended learning. Classes are delivered in weekend blocs (Friday and Saturday) on campus in SETU Waterford (on average 1 or 2 per month) and use of the SETU Waterford virtual learning environment (Moodle) in order to facilitate adult learners. 

BA in Adult and Further Education Flyer

Programmes Fees Guide

Literacy Practitioner Subsidy Form 24-25


This modular programme is delivered through a combination of face-to-face and blended learning. Classes are delivered in weekend blocks (Friday and Saturday) on campus in SETU Waterford (on average one or two per month).

The programme comprises the following modules. Classes are delivered workshop style, where collective, collaborative and creative learning is strongly encouraged.

Mandatory  modules  Elective modules       
Nature of Enquiry in Adult & Further Education   Blended Learning (10 credits)                                  
Psychology of Adult Learning 2 Leadership in Adult & Further Education (10 credits)
Education Policy Family Literacy (10 credits)
Language and Power in Society Adult Numeracy (10 credits)
Practical Teaching Skills 2 TESOL 3 (10 credits)
  Curriculum Development 2 (5 credits)
  Action Research (5 credits)

We accept applications for modules throughout the academic year, subject to availability on the timetable.  All modules are offered subject to sufficient numbers and resources.

Entry Requirements

  • Applicants should hold a Higher Certificate in Arts in Literacy Development or Higher Certificate in Arts in Adult and Further Education or a relevant qualification equivalent to a full award (120 ECTS) at Level 6.
  • Applicants must be actively working in the Adult and Further Education & Training sector for the duration of the programme.
  • Applicants may be invited to attend an interview for entry to the programme.
  • Applicants whose primary language is not English must submit evidence of competency in English, you will need an IELTS score of 6 (minimum of 5 in each component) or equivalent.  Please see more information here

Non-Standard Applications/Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Please Note: Applications for recognition of prior learning (advanced entry or exemptions) are welcomed from potential applicants who may have the appropriate level of knowledge and with significant professional experience in the FET sector.  For further information on advanced entry to this programme, please contact the Course Leader Ms. Ann Marie Cullen Email:

How to Apply
To apply for this programme simply click on the 'Apply Here' button.  If you have any questions, please contact the Course Leader Ann Marie Cullen at or contact the LDC Office at

€2,220 - Total Cost  (6 x €370) 
€370 per 10 credit module 
€270 per module - this subsidised rate is available for those working in the adult literacy service. 

Career Opportunities
The programme will enhance participants’ career professional competence and capabilities as adult education and further education and training (FET) tutors/practitioners.  Previous graduates have gained employment in Education Training Boards (ETBs), SOLAS and other FET settings.

Progression/Further Study Opportunities
On successful completion of this programme, graduates may progress to further studies at NFQ Level 8.  They can choose to complete the BA (Hons) in Adult and Further Education or the BA (Hons) in Teaching in Adult and Further Education (Teaching Council Approved) in SETU Waterford, which will enhance their professional competence and capabilities as adult education tutors/practitioners.  Alternatively, graduates may choose to undertake an equivalent programme in another Higher Education Institute.

Please consult our Programme Pathways Infographic below for information on further study opportunities available at Level 8 & Level 9.



The programme will enhance participants’ career opportunities across the adult and further education sectors in roles such as adult education tutor, further Education (FE) tutor, management, resource and development roles.
On successful completion of the programme, graduates may progress to further studies such as one of the NFQ Level 8 programmes within the School of Lifelong Learning and Education – BA (Hons) in Adult & Further Education or BA (Hons) in Teaching in Adult & Further Education (Teaching Council approved).

Please consult our Programme Pathways Infographic below for information on further study opportunities available at Level 8 & Level 9. 

Completion of a level 8 programme will also enable students to undertake taught Masters programmes or Masters degrees by research at SETU Waterford or other third-level colleges


Course Leader

Ann-Marie Cullen

Level 7 and Level 8 Programme Leader and RPL Advisor Literacy Development Centre -

Call: +35351302874


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