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What is the Course about?

The agri-food sector is one of Ireland's most important indigenous manufacturing sectors, accounting for employment of around 150,000 people. It includes approximately 600 food and drinks firms throughout the country that export 85% of our food and seafood to more than 160 countries worldwide.

This programme focuses on agricultural science, agribusiness, agricultural engineering and agricultural systems. Students will develop knowledge in areas such as sensing technology, electro-pneumatics, electro-hydraulics, automation, Agribusiness, management, marketing and product pricing.

It is also envisaged that graduates of this programme will have Young Trained Farmer status.


Special Features:

  • Dual campus delivery between Wexford and Carlow Campuses - Hybrid blend of B. Eng. Across Agriculture and Engineering Disciplines
  • Practical emphasis through specialised laboratory and Workshop interaction focusing on Robotics, automation, and software application to Agriculture Engineering Systems.

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

Year 1

Semester 1 Semester 2
Applied Physics for Agriculture 1 (M) AgriBusiness Management (M)
Engineering Mathematics 1 (M) Agricultural Design and Mechanisation (M)
Mechatronics for Agriculture (M) Engineering Mathematics 2 (M)
Principles of Crop Production (M) Ruminant Animal Production (M)

Year 2

Semester 3 Semester 4
Agricultural Marketing I (M) Manufacturing and CAD (M)
Applied Physics for Agriculture 2 (M) Agricultural Micro Economics (M)
Concepts in Soil Science (M) Automation and PLC's for Agricultural Systems (M)
Engineering Mathematics 3 (M) Engineering Mathematics 4 (M)
Manufacturing and CAD (M) Materials Science in Engineering (M)
Sustainable Cropping Systems (M)

Year 3

Semester 5 Semester 6
Agricultural Design, Simulation and Analysis (M) Advanced PLCs (M)
Agricultural Marketing II (M) Development Project (Engineering) (M)
Applied Soil Science (M) Industrial Studies (M)
Engineering Mathematics 5 (M) Introduction to Systems and Control (M)
Precision Agriculture (M) Process Instrumentation (M)
Work Placement (M)

What are the minimum entry requirements?

  • 5O6/H7
  • English or Irish O6/H7
  • Mathematics O6/H7

What will I be able to do when I finish the course?

The main employment areas are as follows:

  • Design of agricultural machinery and equipment
  • Control System Design
  • Agri systems testing and maintenance
  • Advising the agrifood industry
  • Design of agricultural/food processing infrastructural works

Course Leader

Dr John Carroll

Lecturer -

Call: +353539185833

Email: [email protected]

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