Computer Science (Cloud & Networks)

What is Computer Science (Cloud & Networks)?
The BSc (Hons) in Computer Science (Cloud and Networks) is a full-time, four-year, honours degree course of study that can be chosen within the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Computer Science (Common Entry) route. This course is designed to equip students with a practical understanding of Operating Systems and the tools required to deploy, manage and troubleshoot the underlying infrastructure supporting networked systems.
Course Aims
This stream will develop a strong underlying knowledge of how network communications and Cloud infrastructure is designed, implemented and managed. Students will work with the latest technologies from leading companies such as Amazon, Cisco, Red Hat and IBM. Graduates who are able to configure, manage and troubleshoot applications and services in Cloud based systems are in high demand across many domains.
Students will learn how to configure reliable, fault-tolerant, secure Cloud infrastructure systems using popular environments such as Amzon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform. Students will take some modules from the Security stream to develop the essential skills required in modern Cloud environments.
Year 1
Semester 1 | Semester 2 |
Programming Fundamentals 1 | Programming Fundamentals 2 |
Website Development | Web App Development |
Computer Systems 1 | Computer Systems 2 |
The Computer Industry | Applied Calculus |
Discrete Mathematics | Physics 2 |
Physics 1 | Introduction to Cloud Computing |
Year 2
Semester 3 | Semester 4 |
Data Structure & Algorithms 1 | Data Structure & Algorithms 2 |
Relational Databases | Software Eng. Practice |
Computer Networks | Applied Cryptology |
Mathematical Methods | Statistics & Probability |
Professional Communications | Network Theory |
Operating Systems | Networks Infrastructure |
Year 3
Semester 5 | Semester 6 |
Web App Development 2 | Choose one of the following electives: |
NoSQL Databases | *Study Abroad |
Developer Operations | *Professional Certification |
Professional Practice | *Voluntary Organisation Project |
Measurement Systems | *Industrial Placement |
Model-Based Development | * = Elective |
Year 4
Semester 7 | Semester 8 |
Mobile App Development 2 | Functional Programming |
Distributed Systems | Data Mining 2 |
Data Mining 1 | Project 2 |
Project 1 | Cloud Computing 1 |
Cloud Computing 1 | Free Elective |
Network & Systems Security |
Leaving Cert: Entry requirements for the BSc (Hons) in Computer Science (Cloud & Networks):
2 subjects: H5
4 subjects: O6/H7
English or Irish: O6/H7
Mathematics: O3/H7
How to apply for the BSc (Hons) in Computer Science (Cloud & Networks) on the CAO:
The entry route for this programme is from SE600 Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Computer Science (Common Entry). Applicants who select degree option SE600 CLN (Cloud & Networks) are guaranteed a place in that programme, subject to meeting the entry requirements and points. Applicants who are undecided about their degree option should choose SE600 GEN.
At the end of year 1, students must confirm their degree option and may change their selection up to that date.
Advanced and Equivalent Entry for the BSc (Hons) in Computer Science (Cloud & Networks):
Career Opportunities for the BSc (Hons) in Computer Science (Cloud & Networks)
Graduates who are able to configure, manage and troubleshoot applications and services in Cloud based systems are in high demand across many domains. Recent graduates are eagerly sought after by many local companies such as Red Hat, Errigal, Done Deal, Route match, Sun Life Financial Services to name but a few.
Follow on study for the BSc (Hons) in Computer Science (Cloud & Networks)
Many graduates of this stream subsequently undertake the taught MSc. In Enterprise Software Systems, however as graduates will have developed a highly sought after Cloud technologies skillset, many choose to undertake this programme in part-time mode. This programme has been developed in a modular design and the flexibility facilities part-time students taking modules over a number of years.
Other graduates have opted to undertake research Masters and Phd career paths both locally within SETU Waterford’s TSSG research center and beyond.
Career Opportunities for the BSc (Hons) in Computer Science (Cloud & Networks)
Graduates who are able to configure, manage and troubleshoot applications and services in Cloud based systems are in high demand across many domains. Recent graduates are eagerly sought after by many local companies such as Red Hat, Errigal, Done Deal, Route match, Sun Life Financial Services to name but a few.
Completion of a level 8 programme will also enable students to undertake taught Masters programmes or Masters degrees by research at SETU Waterford or other third-level colleges
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