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What is Psychiatric Nursing?

Psychiatric/Mental Health nursing is a specialist field within the health care profession.  It involves an interpersonal caring process which acknowledges the uniqueness of each person.  The psychiatric nurse is concerned with the promotion of mental health, the prevention of mental illness and the provision of care to those with mental health problems.

Reasons to Choose this Course

  • Nursing is an excellent choice for students interested in a healthcare career. Because human beings are complex, careers in nursing are amongst the most challenging; they are also some of the most rewarding.
  • The Psychiatric Nursing Course is delivered in a purpose-built, state-of-the-art learning environment and students undertake clinical practice in hospitals around the south east region.
  • You will be taught over four years through a model that we call KSVSE (Knowledge, Science, Values and Attitudes, Skills and Experience).
  • Successfully completing all aspects of the course allows you to register as a Psychiatric Nurse with An Bord Altranais.

Clinical Placements

Clinical experience is an essential element of the course in order to register as a psychiatric nurse.  There are over 80 weeks of clinical placement throughout the course including a 36 week continuous internship placement in year four. Students will be accommodated on clinical placements in Wexford, Waterford, Kilkenny, Carlow and South Tipperary.

Mature Applicants

  • Mature Applicants must apply using CAO code SE914
  • Mature Applicants for this and other nursing courses must apply by 1 February. Late applications will not be accepted.
  • Please note that the course content is exactly the same for mature and non-mature students.


Year 1

Semester 1 Semester 2
Anatomy & Physiology 1 Altered Mood & Perception
Fundamental Nursing Skills & Psychiatric Nursing Experience Anatomy & Physiology 2
Introduction to Psychiatric Nursing Health & Psychosocial Studies 1
Learning to Learn Introduction to Evidence Based Practice 1
Personal & Professional Development Medication Management 1
Professional & Personal Safety 1 Psychiatric Nursing Experience 2

Year 2

Semester 3 Semester 4
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Disorders Ethical, Legal & Political Issues in Mental Health Nursing
Essential Nursing Skills: Specialist Groups Evidence Based Practice 2
Health & Psychosocial Studies 2 Nursing Mental Health Conditions in the Adult
Introduction to Pathphysiology (Psychiatric) Psychiatric Nursing Experience 4
Nursing the Personal with a Physical Illness Psychiatric Nursing & Medication Management
Psychiatric Nursing Experience 3

Year 3

Semester 5 Semester 6
Neuroendocrine Pathophysiology Evidence Based Practice 3
Nursing Experience 5 Integrated Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing Skills 1
Nursing Psychiatric Disorders in Later Life Management & Leadership in Healthcare
Psychiatric Medication Management Professional and Patient Safety
Recovery and Social Inclusion Psychiatric Nursing Experience
Substance Misuse, Addictions & Nursing Interventions

Year 4

Semester 7 Semester 8
Contemporary Issues in Acute & Community Setting Consolidation of Knowledge Science Values and Attitudes
Health & Psychosocial Studies 3 Skills and Experience through Clinical Internship
Integrated Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing Skills 2 This is a 36 week placement within the South East
Nurse as Educator in Pratice/Preceptorship
Pre-internship Nursing Experience 7

Leaving Cert: Minimum entry requirements for BSc (Hons) in Psychiatric Nursing

2 subjects: H5
4 subjects: O6/H7
English or Irish: O6/H7
Mathematics: O6/H7
Science: 06/H7

  • A laboratory science subject (biology, physics, chemistry, physics & chemistry (joint) or agricultural science).
  • Three other subjects (may include Irish or English and a laboratory science subject not included already) or have equivalent second level educational qualifications to the foregoing.
  • The minimum educational requirements may be accumulated over not more than two sittings of the leaving certificate examination or an equivalent examination.

Advanced and Equivalent Entry:

Additional Applicant Requirements

1. Fitness to Practice - All applicants will be required to undergo a full medical examination, to establish that they are medically fit to take up the profession of nursing. 

2. Garda Clearance - All applicants will be required to complete Garda Vetting Application Forms. Please note the following with regard to vetting procedures once registered with SETU:

  • Applicants will be provided with relevant forms and documentatioon for vetting within Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.
  •  It is mandatory for applicants who have resided abroad for a period greater than 6 months since the age of 12 years to provide SETU Waterford with a Police Clearance Certificate from those countries.
  • Clinical placements can only be arranged for students on receipt of satisfactory clearance.
  • Further information re Garda/Police clearance is available from the Nurse Allocations Office, SETU Waterford at 051 845601.

Graduates of the BSc (Hons) in Psychiatric Nursing may apply for positions at staff nurse grade within the Irish healthcare sector.  Universally Irish nurses are highly regarded by other countries thus enhancing work opportunities.

Postgraduate Opportunities

Following qualification it is possible to specialise in a number of areas within psychiatric nursing - Cognitive Therapy, Behavioural Therapy, Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, Eating Disorders, Psychiatric Nursing of Old Age, Forensic Psychiatric Nursing, Addiction Counselling at Higher Diploma or MSc level. Alternatively graduates may choose to pursue advanced studies in nursing education or nursing management. 

Graduates of the BSc (Hons) in Psychiatric Nursing may apply for positions at staff nurse grade within the Irish healthcare sector. Universally Irish nurses are highly regarded by other countries thus enhancing work opportunities.

Following qualification it is possible to specialise in a number of areas within psychiatric nursing - Cognitive Therapy, Behavioural Therapy, Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, Eating Disorders, Psychiatric Nursing of Old Age, Forensic Psychiatric Nursing, Addiction Counselling at Higher Diploma or MSc level. Alternatively graduates may choose to pursue advanced studies in nursing education or nursing management. 


Course Leader

Ms Miriam Farrell

Lecturer in Nursing & Programmer Leader for BSc in Psychiatric Nursing -

Call: +35351306150

Email: [email protected]

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