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What is the Course about?

Sport and Exercise Science is the application of scientific principles to the promotion and enhancement of sport, exercise, health and well-being.

Sport and Exercise Science develops an understanding of the human body's response to exercise, how to maximise performance in athletes, the benefits of physical activity for health, and the psychological and sociological factors influencing sport and exercise.

This course incorporates the core areas of biomechanics, physiology and psychology, and students
are encouraged to develop an interdisciplinary approach to solving real-world problems in sport and exercise.

Course Structure

This four-year course immerses students in the three core areas of sport and exercise sciences through engaging lectures and practical classes. Initial years provide a foundation of knowledge
for each core area with students encouraged to develop and apply knowledge and skills in a variety of sport and exercise settings in later years.

Is this course for you?

If you are interested in how the human body responds to exercise, humanmovement, how high-performance athletes achieve success, or physical activity for physical and mental health, this course offers an engaging and varied approach so that you can develop the skills and knowledge necessary to improve performance, health and wellbeing through sport and exercise.

Special Features:

  • 14-week placement in a national or international organisation. Previous work placement sites have included the Leinster and Connacht rugby teams, Stanford University, Reading Football Club, Swedish Winter Sports Research Centre.
  • Fully equipped exercise physiology laboratory and elite performance gym for testing and training elite, inter-county and college teams.
  • Dedicated performance analysis laboratory.
  • Community engagement in activity courses for older adults and children.
  • Develop organisational skills through participation in SETU Carlow Health Week and on-campus physical activity events.
  • On-going practical experience working with SETU Carlow sports teams.
  • Exit award: Higher Certificate in Physiology and Sport Science (NFQ Level 6) after Year 2.

Year 1

Semester 1 Semester 2
Anatomy of Human Movement 1 (M) Anatomy of Human Movement 2 (M)
Introduction to Sport and Exercise Psychology (M) Exercise Physiology 1 (M)
Maths and Physical Sciences for Health Science (M) Physical Sciences for Health Science (M)
Physiology and Cell Biology 1 (M) Physiology and Cell Biology 2 (M)
Strength and Conditioning: Applied Coaching 1 (M) Strength and Conditioning Applied Coaching 2 (M)

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

Year 2

Semester 3 Semester 4
Pathophysiology (M) Exercise Physiology 2 for Sport (M)
Health Psychology and Promotion 1 (M) Health Psychology and Promotion 2 (M)
Motor Control (M) Dietetics (M)
Nutritional Biochemistry (M) Sport and Exercise Biomechanics 1 (M)
Research in Sport and Health (M) Strength and Conditioning Applied Coaching 3 (M)

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

Year 3

Semester 5 Semester 6
Applied Research in Sport and Health (M) Work Placement (M)
Applied Strength and Reconditioning (M)
Sport and Exercise Biomechanics 2 (M)
Sport and Physical Activity for Special Population Groups (M)
Sports Nutrition (M)

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

Year 4

Semester 7 Semester 8
Current Concepts in Sport Science (M) Management and Development in Sport and Physical Activity (M)
Exercise as Medicine (M) Research Project and Dissertation (M)
Exercise Physiology 3 (M) Sports Coaching and Performance Analysis (M)
Human Performance and Athletic Assessment (M) Sports Psychology (M)
Sports Coaching (M)

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

What are the minimum entry requirements?

  • 2H5 & 4O6/H7
  • English or Irish O6/H7
  • Mathematics O6/H7
  • Garda vetting required

What follow-on study opportunities are available?

Graduates are eligible to apply for the taught MSc in Strength and Conditioning and MSc/PhD research courses at SETU Carlow. Opportunities also exist in Irish, UK and International universities in areas including: physiotherapy; radiography; strength and conditioning; sport psychology; men's health; nutrition; sport performance analysis; exercise and fitness in children.

What exemptions will I receive?




What will I be able to do when I finish the course?

  • Sport and Exercise Physiologist
  • Exercise Professional
  • Biomechanist
  • Performance Analyst
  • Sport and Exercise Psychologist
  • Sport and Fitness Coach
  • Sport Development Officer.