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What is the Course about?

TV & Media Production is a practical, hands-on course.You will work in groups and individually to develop ideas from script to screen.It suits people with a passion for finding stories, writing scripts, developing ideas and creating video, audio and graphics.The modules are wide and varied.Working in teams is fundamental.The course will give you the chance figure out what most interests you, while developing your creativity and practical skills.

Course Structure

This course teaches a wide range of skills covering each stage of media production.Research and producing, script writing, camera work, graphics, audio and video editing are all taught over the four years - providing a solid, practical foundation for future work in the media industry.

The third year includes a three-month work placement in the second term where you develop your skills in the media industry.

The fourth year in particular is more theory-based, with the opportunity to produce a final year project of your choosing.You will work closely with your supervisor to bring your idea to fruition.Modules such as Enterprise and Media Law will focus on how to get projects funded and working within the Irish legal system.

Students benefit from industry-standard software, camera equipment and a high spec TV studio.Lecturers on this course have come from industry and are highly experienced in their specific area of expertise.

Is this course for you?

If you work well with others and are someone who is passionate about storytelling, this course may be for you.Assignments include creating research briefs, pitches, presentations and practical productions.You will shoot, edit, create graphics and design websites as part of your assignments.The practical elements are underscored with modules in Media Law, Production Management and Media Culture.Assignments are carried out mostly by continual assessment'.

Special Features:

  • 60% of the course is practical work, often within a team.
  • The majority of assessment is continuous - individual and group assignments in place of exams.
  • Industry-standard camera equipment.
  • Two dedicated computer labs with 20+ Macs in each.
  • Industry-standard video editing and graphics software.
  • Radio studio.
  • Location filming on and off campus.
  • The first two years correspond with the Level 7 course.Students completing the L8 course will complete three months of work placement in third year.

Year 1

Semester 1 Semester 2
Introduction to Audio (M) Introduction to Post Production (M)
Introduction to Production (M) Introduction to Single Camera Production (M)
Introduction to TV Studio Production (M) Media Skills (M)
Principles of Light (M) Principles of Sound (M)
Visual Culture (M) Writing for the Screen (M)

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

Year 2

Semester 3 Semester 4
Graphics and Animation I (M) Single Camera Video Production (M)
Radio (M) Sound for Film (M)
Shooting and Editing (M) TV Producing (M)
TV Research and Writing (M) TV Studio Production II (M)
TV Studio Production I (M) Web Technology and Video (M)

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

Year 3

Semester 5 Semester 6
Cinematography and Post Production (M) Work Placement (M)
Documentary Making (M) Advanced Lighting and Sound Techniques (E)
Motion Graphics (M) Location Video Production (E)
Production Management (M) Practical Production (E)
TV Studio Production III (M) Production Co-ordination (E)
Study Semester Abroad (E)

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

Year 4

Semester 7 Semester 8
Advanced Editing (M) Advanced Graphics (M)
Digital Marketing (M) Contemporary TV and Film Analysis (M)
Media Culture (M) Enterprise (M)
Media Law (M) Post Production (M)
Project (M)

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

What are the minimum entry requirements?

  • 2H5 & 4O6/H7
  • English or Irish O6/H7
  • Mathematics O6/H7

What follow-on study opportunities are available?

Graduates of this course will be eligible to progress to postgraduate study at masters level at SETU or another third level institution.

What exemptions will I receive?




What will I be able to do when I finish the course?

You will graduate with a wide range of skills.You will be able to produce, shoot, edit, record sound and design graphics and websites.The direction you take after this course is equally wide and varied.Our past graduates have gone on to be camera operators, producers, video editors and presenters.They work in for production companies, television and radio stations, for online and on set.

Ireland is a highly sought-after location for film production, housing state-of-the-art sound stages and multi-million euro productions.The industry is expanding fast and need the staff to support this expansion.


Course Leader

Ms Jenny Russell

Assistant Lecturer -

Email: [email protected]
