What is this Programme about?
The aim of this programme is to provide learners with an awareness of workplace critical incident stress and to develop key competencies, skills and knowledge in the field of managing and responding appropriately to critical/ traumatic incidents across a wide and diverse range of occupational contexts.
The programme, which incorporates ICISF Individual and Group Crisis Interventions addresses the important issue of protecting the psychological health and safety of workers in occupational groups likely to be exposed to critical incidents during the course of their work in compliance with national policy.
Our CISM module can be delivered in housefor organisations that wish to implement a Psychosocial CISM Peer Support system for their staff fulfilling national policy (Work PositiveCI - Health and Safety Authority, State Claims Agency & CISM Network Ireland).
Programme details
The History of CISM
- Legal Imperatives on employers
- Psychosocial Risk assessment
- Research Context for variety of occupational groups
- Key CISM Interventions and Core Components
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) Individual and Group support interventions:
- Psychological crisis and psychological crisis intervention
- Evidence-based practice
- Common psychological and behavioural crisis reactions
- Putative and empirically-derived mechanisms
- SAFER-Revised model
- Suicide intervention
- Large group crisis interventions
- Small group crisis interventions
- Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)
Who is this Programme for?
Applicants prior learning (either formal or informal) may be considered as part of the entry requirements for the programme. A significant knowledge of CISM in the workplace is recommended.
Applicants are generally approved by their employers to attend this programme.
Course Delivery
Classes are delivered using a hybrid approach involving a combination of pre-course reading, pre-recorded classes, live and onsite classes.
Online Support
Students will have full access to a range of supports available online and through Blackboard, our virtual learning environment. These include our new online programme, PACE, which is designed to support students to access and effectively use library resources in order to complete assignments. Additional supports include an Academic Writing Centre and Maths Support Centre, freely available to all students.
Entry Requirements
Applicants prior learning (either formal or informal) may be considered as part of the entry requirements for the programme. A significant knowledge of CISM in the workplace is recommended. Candidates who currently hold ICISF accreditation and only wish to attend the academic modulesshould contact the Extended Campus office for course details.
RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning)
All programmes are mapped to the SETU Carlow Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policyhttps://www.itcarlow.ie/resources/quality/quality-policies-procedures.htmand applicants who wish to apply using this route can request the specific RPL for this programme.
SETU Carlows RPL Policy offers clear pathways to the learner for recognition of previous learning undertaken and offer every credit to the learner in completing such learning.
The Programme Board will be responsible for the assessment of entry standards and applications as part of any RPL Process.