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The aim of this programme is to develop the learner in the planning, running and evaluation of any event and in the provision of safety for all stakeholders (including spectators, players, officials, personnel, media and local residents etc.) that are involved in ground and event day operations. 

On successful completion, learners will be able to:

  • Implement a plan for the safety of all event day stakeholders and ensure the readiness of the venue and personnel prior to the event
  • Understand the concept of critical decision making and the duty of care to all stakeholders
  • Be able to specify and agree control procedures and carry these out effectively in the management of an event
  • Describe the key planning considerations with specific emphasis on Risk Management, Planning, Communication, Crowd Dynamics and Crowd Behaviour.
  • Create an audit trail of paperwork (pre and post management) for event day operations
  • Identify the most relevant Health and Safety legislation and key guidance documents for an event using relevant decision-making models.
  • Be able to identify, plan and respond to incidents and emergencies in a contingency plan and act on the potential risks to people attending an event.


The programme will be delivered over 8 sessions and will include onsite sessions (Saturdays) and online sessions (mid-week).

Programme content: 

  • Roles and responsibilities of Event Controllers
  • Key Legislation and Guidance Material
  • Event Planning and Risk Assessment
  • Contingency Planning
  • Teams and Group Development
  • Communications

All applicants will be considered on a case by case basis and /or will be nominated by their respective organisations.


Course Leader

Anne Meaney


Call: +353599175295

Email: [email protected]
