This postgraduate course is designed to enable construction professionals to become familiar with the latest developments in Health and Safety legislation and practice. The course has an overall aim of introducing you to the need for proactive health and safety management within construction. It provides a breadth of underpinning knowledge to enable health and safety professionals to discharge their duties by identifying hazards and advising on in risk management processes in a construction setting.
Learning outcomes
- Demonstrate the ability to plan the preparation and completion of regular reviews of a construction organisation's health and safety systems and advise on and provide for suitable management practices and policy amendments required in such reviews.
- Demonstrate the ability to think critically, independently, and creatively in the implementation of suitable actions to manage health and safety in construction.
- Demonstrate a detailed knowledge and understanding of how to identify, interpret and describe the main requirements of Health and Safety legislation pertaining to construction.
- Lead and initiate in the planning, preparation, development and delivery of effective communication and training programmes on health and safety in construction.
- Recognise how human factors affect health and safety in construction, identifying the nature and extent of occupational illness and accidents impacting on absenteeism and employ measures to manage the human factor risk resulting in such illnesses and accidents.
- Employ a range of transferable skills including that ensure a systematic approach to decision making, auditing and problem solving in analysing and managing health and safety in construction, preparing reports and making cost effective proposals for health and safety management in the construction environment.
- Display a knowledge of how health and safety in construction is cost effective for an organisation in complying with Health & Safety and Environmental Legislation.
The course has an overall aim of introducing you to the need for proactive health and safety management within construction. It provides a breadth of underpinning knowledge to enable health and safety professionals to discharge their duties by identifying hazards and advising on in risk management processes in a construction setting.
Legislation and Statutory appointments specific to construction.
Examine health and safety legislation and guidance from acts to legislation – Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act (SHWWA) (2005). SHWWA (Construction) (2013), Construction Regulations Amendment 2019, Activity specific Codes and Practice and Guidance. Key areas to be covered are; Clients, PSDP, PSCS, Health and Safety Plan, Safety File, Notification, Inspection, Safety Advisor, Safety
Representative, Risk Assessment etc.
Hazard Identification in Construction
• Working at height – codes of practice and guidance • Excavation and Safety Underground - codes of practice and guidance • Safety around Electricity - codes of practice and guidance • Ground conditions and adjacent structures • The construction working environment •
Hazardous Materials – Asbestos, contaminated land etc. • Lifting operations • Plant, vehicle movements and falling objects • Demolition •Confined Spaces.
Controls: Management, Technologies and Application
• Temporary Works: Scaffolding - codes of practice and guidance • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) • Excavation and Underground Services • Mechanical plant • Building Assembly • Toolbox talks – learn to develop toolbox talks.
Health and Safety Authority
This section shall examine the function of the health and safety authority in its role of inspection, enforcement and education here in Ireland.
International Approach to Health and Safety
This section shall examine how health and safety is being implemented within other international jurisdictions. Typically, the UK and Northern Ireland shall be examined as it is our nearest neighbour.
Entry Requirements
All applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Lifelong Learning reserves the right to require applicants to attend for an interview to determine their suitability for the programme.
Course Leader