If you are interested in applying for this course please email [email protected] and we can deal with individual queries then
This certificate will enable you to plan and describe the production of a range of speciality food crops and perform the associated skills to best industry practices. It would be especially useful for horticulture professionals who seek organic conversion knowledge or want to gain the most up-to-date IPM knowledge.
On successful completion of this certificate a student will be able to:
- Analyse the propagation and production of a range of food crops (including vegetables, fruit and herbs) under sustainable systems.
- Produce a conversion plan for an organic production system.
- Complete routine tasks associated with specialty crops.
- Relate the requirements of the quality assurance schemes, EU directives, and other regulations to management strategies in food production systems.
Areas covered will include the following:
- Crop specifications: cultivars selection, soil, site and rotation, sowing/planting, propagation, irrigation, cultivation, nutrition, weed, pest and disease control including SUD/IPM, harvesting and grading of a range of crops: salad crops, scallions, lettuce and celery, rhubarbs, asparagus, courgettes and sweetcorn, leeks, peas and beans, beetroot, radish and spinach, blueberries, blackberries and currants and a range of herb crops both culinary and medicinal.
- Quality issues: implications of the Nitrates Directive, FSAI regulations, Bord Bia QA scheme, Origin Green, Pesticide Control/Registration will be addressed.
- Organic requirements: the different requirements of pest and disease management, soil fertility management in organic and conventional systems. Organic conversion: time periods, and preparation of application form, regulation of organic production, grading and marketing of produce will be outlined.
The Certificate in Sustainable Food Production offers structured continuous professional development opportunities to those already working in the horticulture industry. This level 7 certificate will allow quicker progression to supervisory or managerial roles and will also allow candidates to diversify and update their horticulture knowledge.
The Certificate in Sustainable Food Production offers structured continuous professional development opportunities to those already working in the horticulture industry. This level 7 certificate will allow quicker progression to supervisory or managerial roles and will also allow candidates to diversify and update their horticulture knowledge.
Course Leader

Dr Cara Daly
Lecturer & Programme Leader for the BSc in Horticulture (Kildalton College) & the BSc in Horticulture (National Botanic Gardens) -
Call: +35351302076
Email: [email protected]