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Achoimre | Summary

Riachtanaisí Iontrála | Entrance Requirements Cáilíocht Leibhéal 8 nó coibhéiseach | Level 8 Degree or equivalent Gaeilge ag leibhéal tuisceana agus comhrá

Foghlaim Chumaisc: Ceardlanna Praticiúila + Ar líne | Blended Learning: Practical Workshops + Online Lánaimseartha and Páirtaimseartha | Full-time and Part-time

What is block release delivery

The practical modules on this course are taught in 3 day blocks of workshops. These will be delivered twice a month and supplemented with independent practical exercises, tutorials and evening online masterclasses


The award-winning Higher Diploma in Arts in Television and Media Production, developed by SETU and Nemeton TV in partnership with Udarás na Gaeltachta, has been successfully preparing new media talent since 2006. This course offers an exciting and innovative brand new blend of practical workshops delivered through block release and online classes. The eight-month course is uniquely tailored to the needs of students and is particularly suited to those who wish to develop their skills while also working. It is designed to provide students with the essential practical skills to enter the television, film and audio-visual industries as professionals. Hence, our graduates usually find work immediately upon completing their studies.

The course will offer each of the participants the opportunity to work in a live production environment and at the end of the course each student will have directed or edited his or her own television programme. These programmes will satisfy the broadcast criteria of both TG4 and RTE. As there is a demand for bi-lingual producers, directors and editors, the course will be taught through both Irish and English, therefore enhancing the linguistic abilities of students.

The programme has an entry requirement of an honours degree (Level 8) or equivalent. Level 6 and 7 are also offered as entry requirements in conjunction with Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Applicants with Level 6 or 7 will be evaluated on the television, media or language skills and knowledge that have been gained through life outside of formal education and training.  Toisc gur foghlaim chumaisc atá i gceist – meascán de ranganna ar líne agus roinnt ceardlann i Nemeton TV agus IT Port Láirge – feileann an cúrsa thar cionn do dhaoine atá ag obair go lánaimseartha nó go páirtaimseartha. 

Múinfear cuid den chúrsa trí mheán na Gaeilge, rud a chuirfidh le scileanna teanga na scoláirí. Déanfar é seo trí iad a thumadh i dtimpeallacht oibre as Gaeilge.

Glacfar le hiarrataisí ó dhaoine gan na cáilíochtaí thuasluaite, ach go bhfuil taithí oibre acu sa tionscal agus an cumas cuí Gaeilge. Déanfar measúnú ar iarrataisí mar seo ó chás go cás. D'fhéadfaí a mholadh d'iarrthóirí áirithe cúrsa Gaeilge a ghlacadh chun a gcuid scileanna teanga a fheabhsú, ach na cáilíochtaí eile a bheith acu.

Course Content

The course in structure matches closely the media production process. There are, therefore, modules on the programme that cover pre-production, production, and post-production. The duration of the course is one-year, full-time, Classes will take place both at SETU and in the Nemeton TV training studios in An Rinn, (the Waterford Gaeltacht) Where in this creative cultural and linguistic environment students will learn and practice their camera skills on the stunning Helvic-Ardmore coastline.

The following subjects will be considered in the course:


  • Generating realisable ideas
  • Budgeting and pitching
  • Marketing
  • Cultural and theoretical elements of media


  • Directing Television
  • The multi-camera environment
  • Production management


  • Editing
  • Business and legal aspects

Year 1

Semester 1 Semester 2
Major Project – Preparing a Proposal Editing/Producing Techniques
Marketing for Television and Digital Content Directing/Producing Techniques
Crafting & Design – Making a Short Film Legal and Regulatory Aspects of TV Production
Gaeilge Fheidhmeach don Scáileán Industry Preparation and Placement

Entry Requirements

  • Applications must hold a NQAI Level 8 qualification or higher.
  • Students should have a level of competency in spoken Irish.
  • Applications will be made directly to SETU and selected applicants will be called for interview.

Applicants without the above minimum requirements but with relevant industrial experience and Irish language competency will be considered on a case-by- case basis. Otherwise suitably qualified applicants may be required to take a programme to improve competency in Irish.


Programme fee details are available on the Postgraduate Fee Schedule web page.

How to Apply

Once our application portal opens, the link to apply will appear on the course page above.

Subject to satisfying the aforementioned entry criteria, applicants will be offered places on a first-come-first-served basis per their application submission.

This course is designed to develop student’s ability to create imaginative visual media content and to provide them with the essential practical skills so as they can find work as a professionals in both television and the digital media industry. There is a demand for trained professionals with both creative storytelling skills and practical digital media skills in a variety of industries both Irish and the global video content markets.

Graduates from the course have found employment in the audio visual and film industry like TG4, TV3,  RTE and BBC as well as Digital Marketing and PR as well as teaching and Irish language print and communications industry.

About Nemeton TV

Nemeton was founded in 1993. Since then the company has grown from one employee to fifty. It is based in the Waterford Gaeltacht. The company has regularly received recognition for excellence in business and in promotion of the Irish language and for the high quality of its television programming. For almost twenty years Nemeton TV has been producing programming for RTE, TG4 and BBC.  Nemeton also provides satellite facilities worldwide and have the first HD studio in Ireland. The company’s strong emphasis on training means that they are also committed to nurturing new and emerging talent.  Its programmes include GAA Beo, Sacar Beo, Laochra Gael and Trom go Trim on TG4 and Health Squad on RTÉ 1.

Nemeton TV

An Rinn
Dún Garbhán
Co. Phort láirge
Teil: 058-46499 R-phost: traená[email protected]
Suíomh gréasáin:


Course Leader

Dr Moira Sweeney

Course Leader, Higher Diploma in Television and Media Production | Portais Film Supervisor -

Email: [email protected]

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