This one-year graduate diplomaprogramme has been designed forgraduates of business and non-businessdisciplines in order to equipthem with the necessary knowledgeand competencies in Supply ChainManagement and business.
SupplyChain Management is concerned withthe management of the flow of goodsand information through the valuechain, from materials acquisition tofinal consumption. Put more simply,SCM is about being right: it is aboutgetting the right product, in the rightquantity, at the right quality, in theright place at the right time, for theright consumer at the right cost. Inachieving all of this, supply chainmanagement takes on many of thefunctions of a business including:forecasting, inventory management,purchasing management, warehousemanagement, information technologyand transport management.Management professionals in logisticsand supply chain managementfunctions also work closely with otherareas of the business including humanresource management, manufacturing,marketing and finance.
What will I be able to do when I finish this course?
Graduates of this programme willfind employment opportunities inall manufacturing sectors including:electronics; pharmaceuticals and foodprocessing - as buyers and materialplanners. Many opportunities alsoexist in logistics and distribution. Thiswork involves using sophisticatedcomputerised planning tools such asMRP/ERP, interacting and negotiatingwith external suppliers and internalcustomers and contributing to projectmanagement as members of cross-functionalteams.
What subjects will I study?
- Purchasing and Supplier Management
- Strategic Management
- Supply Chain Planning and Control Global Logistics
- Strategic Procurement
- Dissertation and Research Methods
Elective Subjects
- Inventory and Materials Management
- Operations Management for Business
- ERP Systems Applications
Entry Requirements
Applicants require an NFQ Level 8 Award or equivalent, forentry to this programme. Other applicants will be consideredon an individual basis in accordance with the University policy onRecognition of Prior Learning (RPL). The department reserves theright to require applicants to attend for interview to determine theirsuitability for the programme.
Study & Career Opportunities
This qualification will allow theparticipant to apply for the MBA orMB, depending on his/her businessexperience, and continue to developand extend his/her skills base andknowledge at NFQ Level 9.
Potential employment opportunities:
- Supply Chain/Warehouse/Inventory Control Manager
- Purchasing Manager
- Operations Manager
- Production Manager
- Procurement Manager
- Business Development Manager
- Supply Chain/Logistics Consultant.
Course Leader