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The Academy for Investment Fund Executive Education and Development ( was established with the support of funding from the Human Capital Initiative: Pillar 3. It is a joint initiative between academia (SETU and Munster Technological University) and the regionally-based investment fund administration sector (lead partners State Street International and BNY Mellon).

Our very first project is to develop and deliver an MBS in Investment Fund Administration. This is your route to an advanced qualification that will underpin your future career and development within the investment fund administration industry.

Automation and technology are changing the way we work and the fund administration sector is not immune. In order to future proof your career, identifying and developing those skills that are not easily automatable is key. The skills that will remain in demand are those that require judgement, skills that are transferrable to a variety of tasks and skills that are non-routine with an emphasis on cognitive and interactive tasks. The MBS in Investment Fund Administration had been designed to address general and sector specific skills and knowledge required to advance your career in the investment fund administration sector.

A core principle of the programme is collaboration: an interaction between academia and industry. Companies that are part of the investment fund administration sector have been involved in all aspects of the development of the programme, from high level programme learning outcomes to individual module content. This ensures that the programme and its delivery meets the needs of those currently in the industry. The intention is not to replicate in-house training programmes but to add to those programmes and provide participants with the intellectual and skills platform required to enhance their career prospects.

The programme is offered on a part-time basis over two and a half years. The lecture content is delivered on a semester basis: two by twelve-week semesters per year. Currently classes are scheduled to take place on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6pm, and it is intended that the first two weeks will be face to face, the middle eight weeks to be completed remotely, with the final two weeks to also be held face to face. The exact blend and schedule may be subject to change.

In order to be eligible for this programme, you need to have a level 8 honours degree and some work experience within the investment fund sector.

Recognition of Prior Learning

If you do not have a level 8 honours degree then it is possible that you may be eligible if you can provide evidence of a broader portfolio of training, learning and experience. This process is call RPL (recognition of prior learning) and both SETU and MTU can help you navigate these processes. 

How to Apply

Once our application portal opens, the link to apply will appear on the course page above.

Subject to satisfying the aforementioned entry criteria, applicants will be offered places on a first-come-first-served basis per their application submission.


Course Leader

Mr John Casey

Senior Lecturer in Accounting -

Call: +35351302425

Email: [email protected]

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