The imperative of the 21stcenturybusiness environment, RiskManagement is a holistic managementconstruct for identifying potentialthreats, risks, and vulnerabilitiesin an organisation and its businessenterprise. It concerns ongoing,never-ending strategies to evaluateand mitigate potential disruptions,and encompasses resiliency planning,prevention, crisis management,business continuity management,and technology recovery. As such, theability to contribute to enterprise riskplanning and execution is an importantskill for many business leaders. Thus,this programme is designed forbusiness owners or people that want toupskill towards Senior Executive Levelswithin larger Organisations.
What subjects will I study ?
- Strategy, Process and Leadership
- Organisational Risk Management
Contemporary Issues in StrategicManagement
- Performance Management and Risk
Leadership and Risk Management
- Financial Risk Management
- Risk Analytics
- Research Project for Risk Management
Entry Requirements
The entry criteria for the following Awards at level 9 isthat applicants progress from L8 major qualification with aminimum 2:2 or an equivalent professional qualification suchas ACCA or CIMA.
All applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis.Applicants who do not have a Level 8 qualification at a 2.2award level and who have relevant work experience and orother certificates and qualifications may also be consideredthrough the Universitys RPL procedures. Relevant professionalexperience may be considered and individuals will be assessedon a case-by-case basis through RPL procedures.
South East Technological University reserves the right to require applicants to attend for an interview to determine their suitability for the programme.
Study & Career Opportunities
This is a unique qualification in IrishHigher Education. Most postgraduateBusiness Management qualificationsfocus on the successful running of anorganisation as an ongoing concern,but few level qualifications in Businessfocus on the risk-based analysis ofleadership within business and thepitfalls to be aware of in the successfulnavigation of business throughinevitable turbulent times.
The primary objective of the MScin Business Risk Management is todevelop professionals who can take onenterprise risk challenges in todaysturbulent business world, enhancingbusiness value by providing analyticaland technological solutions thatmitigate risk across entire businessenterprises.
The Masters offers participantsan opportunity to reflect on theirprofessional practice and gain atheoretical and critical perspectiveof issues associated with RiskManagement.
Graduates may pursue Level 10 (PhD) study opportunities upon successful completion of this programme.