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The MSc in Digital Marketing Practice is an innovative postgraduate programme that offers existing undergraduate students, graduates currently in the workplace and international students, the opportunity to advance their specialist knowledge and develop their competences in the growing domain of digital marketing. It combines the nurturing of the student’s technical and strategic digital marketing knowledge, with considerable practice-based orientation to provide rounded industry ready graduates.

The MSc in Digital Marketing Practice is fully accredited by the Institute of Analytics (IoA) which is the Professional Body for Analytics and Data Science professionals in the UK and Internationally. 

Programme recognition

The programme has already garnered considerable recognition from the business community in the region, who recognise the need for skilled digital marketing graduates and have commented favourably on the creative and practice-led nature of the MSc in Digital Marketing Practice. The programme is delivered using a combination of traditional classroom, digital laboratory and online teaching methodologies, while the Applied Business Project provides the student with the opportunity to engage in a live workplace digital marketing project.

Programme delivery

The programme will be completed over a sixteen-month, three semester period. The first two semesters will involve the delivery of three 10-credit modules, while Semester 3 will provide the students an opportunity to undertake the capstone 30-credit Applied Business Project, a workplace based digital marketing project that will be underpinned by the completion of a number of research-oriented workshops in the early stages of Semester 3. The programme is delivered in a flexible way, one afternoon/evening per week for 6 hours. It also integrates considerable weekly online content and regular engagement with a company on a Live Digital Project. This approach has proven very popular amongst both graduates in the workplace and undergraduates progressing on to graduate study.


This programme will be delivered through a blend of lectures, tutorial sessions and laboratory practicals, as well as independent study. Students will be required to attend SETU Waterford campus for one afternoon and evening of lectures. Some of the lecture material is delivered in an e-learning capacity to facilitate distance learning.

Year 1

Semester 1 Semester 2
Strategic Digital Planning Data Analytics and SEO
Digital Branding and e-CRM Digital Implementation
Digital Design Digital Platforms and e-Commerce

Year 2

Semester 3 Semester 4
Applied Business Project

Minimum Entry Requirements

  • Applicants must hold at least a Level 8 qualification at honours level in business or a related programme with strong business content.
  • Applicants with a Level 8 qualification at honours level in other disciplines and relevant business experience may also be considered for entry.
  • Students without a Level 8 qualification may qualify under RPL, as per SETU academic guidelines on RPL.
  • Applicants whose first language is not English must submit evidence of competency in English, please see SETU’s English Language Requirements for details.


Programme fee details are available on the Postgraduate Fee Schedule.

How to Apply

Once our application portal opens, the link to apply will appear on the course page above.

Subject to satisfying the aforementioned entry criteria, applicants will be offered places on a first-come-first-served basis per their application submission.


Course Leaders

Dr Paul Morrissey

Lecturer in Marketing -

Call: +35351302074

Email: [email protected]


Prof Denis Harrington

Head of Department of Graduate Business -

Call: +35351302427

Email: [email protected]

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