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The Masters in Innovative Technology Engineering is a one-year full-time programme. This degree aims to produce graduates with strong skills in critical thinking and with a creative attitude necessary to instigate future developments in the field of Engineering Technology. The student will attain an academic mastery in their specialisation field while developing a broad knowledge of other related fields and how these converge. The student will embark on a programme that will assess and analyse a number of emerging technologies and the developing potential for the convergence of these technologies. The course aims to prepare students for a rewarding career in industry or academic research. In addition, the course will facilitate for them the development of a set of personal and professional attributes that will allow them greater flexibility in the development of their own career options.

The programme is designed to develop the student’s knowledge and skills in strategies for innovation management, product design and development, and optimum routes to market.

The student will also carry out post-graduate level research of industrial relevance in selected topic areas.

The Masters degree requires successful completion of twelve modules and the student must also complete an industrially aligned and relevant Research Dissertation.

Course Codes:

The full-time and part-time mode have different course codes so please ensure you use the correct code when applying:

SE71L: MSc in Innovative Technology Engineering (Full-Time)

SE71N: MSc in Innovative Technology Engineering (Part-Time)

Semester 1Semester 2
Advanced Mechanics & Material (M)Biomedical Science (M)
Prof. Comm & Research Methods (M)Convergent Technologies (M)
Strategic Tech Innovation (M)Novel Material: Prop, Sel & Exp (M)
Control Engineering (E)Prof. Dev & Prof Practice (M)
Green Technology (E)Technology Management (M)
Inventive Problem Solving (E)Biomedical Engineering (E)
Nanotechnology (E)Cognitive Technology (E)
Quality Mgt & Reg Affairs (E)New Product Dev Strategy (E)
Technology Entrepreneurship (E)Technology Commercialisation (E)
Semester 3
Industrial Dissertation

(M) - Mandatory module, (E) - Elective Module

The normal minimum expected entry requirement for the MSc in Innovative Technology Engineering will be a cognate accredited NFQ Level 8 Honours 2.2. Engineering or Science Degree.

Entry to the programmes may also be allowed via the university’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process on an individual case-by-case basis. This robust RPL process demonstrates that the candidate’s prior learning (education and experiential) has achieved outcomes commensurate with accredited Level 8 programme outcomes. Each RPL applicant must submit of a portfolio of evidence that maps the prior learning against the required Level 8 outcomes. This portfolio is reviewed by the Joint Programme Leaders and Head of Department and is supplemented by an interview.

How to apply

Once our application portal opens, the link to apply will appear on the course page above.

Subject to satisfying the aforementioned entry criteria, applicants will be offered places on a first-come-first-served basis per their application submission.

International Students

International Students are advised to contact the SETU International Office before submitting an application. The International office also assists the Joint Programme Leaders and the Head of Department in their assessment of each International applicant’s educational qualifications and suitability for the programme.

This includes a detailed review of all relevant documentation and in many cases interviews (e.g. via Zoom). Applicants whose first language is not English must submit evidence of competency in English.

Career opportunities for graduates of this programme can be found in the

  • Medical Devices,
  • Pharmaceutical,
  • Green Technology,
  • Information and Communications Technology,
  • New Business Development and Academic Research sectors. 

Typical job functions include

  • Design Engineer,
  • Research Engineer,
  • Project Engineer,
  • Project Manager,
  • Technical Manager,
  • New Technologies Manager,
  • New Product Development Manager,
  • New Business Venture consultant and many others.

This programme is open to international applicants, providing a supportive and dynamic learning environment. International applicants are encouraged to apply online through the international admissions portal. The application process typically requires academic transcripts, proof of English language proficiency, a personal statement, and relevant supporting documents. For detailed entry requirements and deadlines, visit our Study at SETU section of the website.


Course Leaders

Rupal Srivastava


Email: [email protected]


Damien Kelly


Call: +35351302677

Email: [email protected]

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