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This programme has been designed to facilitate professionals practicing in the areas of building design, management and technology. Its’ purpose is to provide expertise in terms of; energy use, environmental performance and sustainability in the design and operation of buildings and their associated facilities and services systems.

The programme will focus on Sustainable and Low energy building design; Building energy performance and analysis; Dynamic thermal simulation; Low and zero carbon heat and power generation technologies; Energy policy and legislation; Energy auditing; Facilities management and Building pathology and investigation.

The knowledge, skills and competencies that participants will gain are relevant to their career development. This programme is developed to meet the Level 9 criteria as set out by the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI). The treatment of all programme subjects will encourage the development of powers of analysis, of synthesis and of communication.

This will be achieved by building upon both the undergraduate studies and postgraduate experience of participants to develop a broader understanding of low energy building design and management. In addition the selection of a research topic for a dissertation will allow the student to concentrate on one or more of these directions.

The Masters degree requires successful completion of twelve mandatory modules. The student must also complete an applied programme consisting of a Research Dissertation and an Industrial Research seminar series.

The programme is accredited by Engineers Ireland and the Energy Institute for candidates with the relevant prior qualifications.

Course Codes:

The full-time and part-time modes have different course codes so please ensure you use the correct code when applying:

SE71K: MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering (Full-Time)

SE71M: MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering (Part-Time)



Full-time Mode:

Students will be required to attend SETU Waterford campus for 32 days during the year on 16 occasions of 2 days duration (typically all day Thursday and Friday).

Part-time Mode:

Students will be required to attend SETU Waterford campus for 16 days during the year on 8 occasions of 2 days duration (typically all day Thursday and Friday.

Research Methodology
The aim of this module is to prepare participants in the programme for postgraduate research to aid the Dissertation module.

Personal Development & Effectiveness
The aim of this module is to prepare the student for successful professional practice and management roles including critical appraisal of their own performance

Statistical Analysis for Engineers
Aim of this module is to provide the methods collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of statistical data.

Energy Modelling for nZEB Design
The aim of this module is to provide the knowledge and skill to use dynamic thermal simulation software in the analysis energy consumption of buildings by modification of the building envelope.

Mechanical Services Systems
The aim of this module is to provide the student with detailed information on mechanical services and HVAC systems in buildings. The module will provide the knowledge required to analyse and evaluate services systems, their operation and implications in terms of energy use in buildings.

Low Energy Building Systems design
The aim of this module is to provide an advanced knowledge of passive and active low energy design strategies and thermal generation technologies applicable to buildings

Sustainability & the Environment
There aim of this module is to provide a specialised knowledge of the issues pertaining to sustainability and the environment.

Energy Modelling for HVAC Systems & Controls
The aim of this module is to provide the knowledge and skill to use dynamic thermal simulation software for regulation compliance studies and analysis of building energy consumption associated with HVAC services systems.

Energy Auditing
The aim of this module is to provide detailed specialised information to enable the student to undertake the measurements of energy flows in buildings and carry out an energy audit process.

Building Performance & Analysis
The aim of this module is to provide specialised knowledge of the investigation and diagnosis of energy related defects in buildings and their remedies.

Electrical Systems & Energy Monitoring
The aim of this module is to provide a specialised knowledge of electrical physics together with the capture and extraction of energy related information from buildings.

Electrical Generation Technology
There aim of this module is to provide a specialised knowledge of the power generation technologies pertaining to the built environment.

The normal minimum expected entry requirement for the MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering will be a cognate accredited NFQ Level 8 Honours 2.2. Engineering or Science Degree.

Entry to the programmes may also be allowed via the university’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process on an individual case-by-case basis. This robust RPL process demonstrates that the candidate’s prior learning (education and experiential) has achieved outcomes commensurate with accredited Level 8 programme outcomes. Each RPL applicant must submit of a portfolio of evidence that maps the prior learning against the required Level 8 outcomes. This portfolio is reviewed by the Programme Leader and Head of Department and is supplemented by an interview.

How to apply

Once our application portal opens, the link to apply will appear on the course page above.

Subject to satisfying the aforementioned entry criteria, applicants will be offered places on a first-come-first-served basis per their application submission.

International Students

International Students are advised to contact the SETU International Office before submitting an application. The International also assists the Programme Leader and the Head of Department in their assessment of each international applicant’s educational qualifications and suitability for the programme.

This includes a detailed review of all relevant documentation and in many cases interviews (e.g. via Zoom). Applicants whose first language is not English must submit evidence of competency in English.

Engineers Ireland

The MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering programme is at NFQ Level 9 and has been designed to meet the accreditation standard of Engineers Ireland at Chartered level. Candidates who enter the programme with the relevant Level 8 qualification accredited by Engineers Ireland or recognised under the Washington Accord will have fully satisfied the education requirement for Chartered Engineer status on graduation with the MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering*.

However it is important to note that those candidates (Irish and/or International) who enter via the RPL process or have a degree qualification that is not accredited by Engineers Ireland/Washington Accord will have to subsequently confirm with Engineers Ireland on a case-by-case basis if they have fully met the education requirement for Chartered Engineer.

Graduates from this programme will be equipped with knowledge and skills to supplement their existing areas of expertise and allow them to progress to a career in the design or management of energy in buildings either in Ireland or abroad.

Typical career opportunities for graduates can be found in fields such as:

  • Facilities Management
  • Energy Auditing
  • Energy Management within a corporate structure
  • Energy Management Consultancy
  • Construction Industry Design Professional

This programme is open to international applicants, providing a supportive and dynamic learning environment. International applicants are encouraged to apply online through the international admissions portal. The application process typically requires academic transcripts, proof of English language proficiency, a personal statement, and relevant supporting documents. For detailed entry requirements and deadlines, visit our Study at SETU section of the website.


Course Leader

Mr Mervin Doyle

Lecturer & Programme Leader MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering -

Email: [email protected]

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