This module aims to introduce advanced manufacturing processes and control techniques which are enabling “Digital Transformation” in industry. Using case studies, the participants will learn a new perspective for design, optimisation and control of manufacturing processes using Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies. Key enablers for digital transformation will be introduced and participants will learn material and process development and design techniques for innovative and personalised products. Students will receive training on advanced manufacturing and characterisation systems using Mixed Reality sessions.
Entry to the Certificate in Innovative Materials for Industry 4.0 programme and the associated minor awards is via direct entry with the following requirements:
Graduates with a Level 8 Honours degree engineering or science or equivalent
Graduates with a Level 7 Distinction award in Engineering or Science or equivalent with a minimum 2 years relevant post qualification experience.
EU and International graduates whose qualifications which are in line with the Bologna agreement or the international NARIC system for Level 8 comparison. International learners must have an English Language score of 6.0 ILETS or a Duolingo score of 100.
RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning)
All programmes are mapped to the SETU Carlow Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policy https://www.itcarlow.ie/resources/quality/quality-policies-procedures.htm and applicants who wish to apply using this route can request the specific RPL for this programme.
SETU Carlow’s RPL Policy offers clear pathways to the learner for recognition of previous learning undertaken and offer every credit to the learner in completing such learning.
The Programme Board will be responsible for the assessment of entry standards and applications as part of any RPL Process.
Introduction to Industry 4.0/5.0
Digitalisation and Connected Economy, Drivers & Enablers for Industry 4.0/5.0, Compelling Forces and Challenges for Industry 4.0/5.0
Digitalisation of Manufacturing Processes
Case studies on digitalisation of manufacturing processes for Industry 4.0
Innovation in Manufacturing
New materials and process development for advanced manufacturing using case studies
Sustainability and Smart Manufacturing
Case studies on Sustainability; Business models for Smart Manufacturing
Manufacturing process and material training
Manufacturing process and material training based on specific company requirements