Environmental, Health and Safety Management

This Masters programme aims toprovide participants with specialistknowledge in both environmentalmanagement and health and safetymanagement. It offers participantsan opportunity to reflect on theirprofessional practice and gain atheoretical and critical perspective ofissues associated with environmental,health and safety. Providing a healthyand safe work place whilst protectingthe environment is paramount forevery business and industry. This MScin Environmental Health and SafetyManagement will provide participantswith practical management skills.
It is essentially designed for busyprofessionals who wish to developtheir knowledge base, network withlike-minded individuals and furthertheir career. Further outcomes atthis level relate to specialist skillsand transferable skills required formanaging, such as the abilities tocritique and develop organisationalstructure and initiate change.
What subjects will I study?
- Risk Assessment and Management
Hazard Analysis Management andControl
- Environmental Waste Management
Health and Safety Practitioner SkillDevelopment
- Workplace Wellbeing
- Building Assessment and Fire Safety
- Health and Safety in Construction
- Strategy Process and Leadership
Contemporary Issues in StrategicManagement
Researching Health, Safety and Welfarein the Workplace
Entry Requirements
The entry criteria for the following Awards at level 9 is thatapplicants progress from L8 major qualification with a minimum2:2 or an equivalent professional qualification such as ACCA orCIMA.
All applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Applicants who do not have a Level 8 qualification at a 2.2award level and who have relevant work experience and or othercertificates and qualifications may also be considered throughthe Universitys RPL procedures. Relevant professional experiencemay be considered and individuals will be assessed on a case-bycasebasis through RPL procedures.
South East Technological University reserves the right to requireapplicants to attend for interview to determine their suitabilityfor the programme.
Study & Career Opportunities
Graduates may pursue Level 10 (PhD)study opportunities upon successfulcompletion of this programme.
A significant aspect of environment,health and safety (EHS) activitiesinvolves striving for compliancewith organizational and legislativerequirements. This is a multi-purposeaward-type. The knowledge, skill andcompetence acquired are relevant topersonal development, participation insociety and community, employment,and access to additional education andtraining within the remit of Health andSafety or other discipline areas.