The Master of Science in Strength and Conditioning has been designed to meet the growing demand for highly skilled, qualified strength and conditioning practitioners.
The aim of the programme is toprovide an intellectually challenging,applied postgraduate programme ofstudy that will prepare graduates withadvanced knowledge, understandingand practical coaching skills inStrength and Conditioning. Thiswill enable them to work with eliteathletes, recreational and specialistpopulation groups.
Course Delivery
The part-time offering is deliveredone day per week over two academicyears. Semester two of year twowill comprise a supervised researchdissertation. The research topic may bework-place based.
The full-time programme is delivered on the basis of two full contact days per week over a one year period.
Special features of this programme
Guest lectures
The programme will be delivered by staff who all have significant professional practice experience working with athletes and players at all levels up to international standard.
Alongside the wealth of on-site knowledge, guest lectures will be delivered by international experts in the field.
On-site strength and conditioning resources include a dedicated state-of-the-art performance facility, comprising Eleiko equipment, a 30-metre indoor sprint track, sports halls, 4G pitches and athletics track. The Department of Science and Health is equipped with physiology and biomechanics laboratories, each with a comprehensive range of performance evaluation equipment.
What subjects will I study?
- Strength and Conditioning Research Dissertation
- Advanced Resistance Training
- Explosive Conditioning
- Metabolic Conditioning
- Periodisation for Strength and Conditioning
- Sports Nutrition
- Higher Performance Sports Testing
Applied Research in Strength andConditioning
Elective subjects
- Strength and Conditioning for the Older Adult
- Injury Rehab and Reconditioning
Youth Fitness and AthleticDevelopment
Entry Requirements
A Level 8 degree with a minimum Second Class HonoursGrade 2, in a relevant field of study. Applicants applyingfor entry via routes other than those listed above will beconsidered on a case-by-case basis and in accordance with SETU Carlows Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) policy.
Please note that all Non-EU applicants should refer to the International section of the SETU website for further information.
Study & Career Opportunities
Strength and Conditioning is anintegral component of physical activitythat spans recreational participationto elite performance.
Graduates ofthe program will be suitably equippedwith the knowledge and competenciesto meet the growing demand forskilled practitioners. In addition,it is anticipated that students willapply for professional accreditation(UKSCA, NSCA, ISAK) and will besuitably prepared to meet the stringentcompetencies of each.
Student Profile
Jamiyah Bethune - Victory Scholar, USA
Tell us about your background
I graduated with honors (cum laude) from Monmouth University (West Long Branch, New Jersey) with a Bachelors degree in Health and Physical Education and a minor in Information Technology. I was also a full scholarship Division I athlete on the women's basketball team where I played for 3 years and earned 3rd Team All Maac Conference my final year and was also the second leading scorer.
Currently, I am a Victory Scholar for Sport Changes Life. My position entails playing basketball for (formerly) IT Carlow as an elite scholar, earning my Master's degree, and coaching youth basketball players through Ireland.
How have you found the programme to date ?
To date, I've found the program challenging but also very rewarding. It's an adjustment from the American college learning system but it's a lot more hands on. I like that the class sizes are small and more intimate. The professors do a great job of not only making sure we can comprehend the material being taught but also making sure we are able to draw our own conclusions and develop effective training programs for athletes.
Would you recommend this programme to others ?
Yes, I would recommend this program to anyone who is hardworking and looking to further their knowledge in the development of athletes and enhancing athletic performance.
Course Leader

Declan Browne
Lecturer & Program Director MSc Strength & Conditioning -
Call: +353599175591
Email: [email protected]