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Western Art Music: Baroque to Mid-20th Century

This module has been designed in line with the Teaching Council‘s requirements for the curricular subject of Music which specifies the study of Western Art Music. It is the responsibility of each individual applicant to confirm his/her registration requirements with the Teaching Council.

This is a single 5 ECTS credit module which explores the main developments in Western Art Music beginning with the Baroque era and progressing to the mid-20th century, in the context of political and social change. The most significant composers and seminal works of each era will be examined in this musical journey through the ages, with the online delivery ensuring a flexible and accessible learning experience. 


There will be 6 live classes over the course of the 12 weeks which will take place on Friday mornings at 10am. These live classes are recorded and made available on Moodle afterwards. The time commitment is approx. 3 hours per week including the live classes and interaction with collaborative tools such as discussion forums, Padlets and quizzes.

Western Art Music

The module fee is €300.

On completion of this module, the learner will receive a transcript of result.

Western Art Music: Baroque to Mid-20th Century

This is a single 5 ECTS credit introductory module.

Indicative Content

  • Contextualisation of political and social situation for composers from the Baroque to mid-20th Century in relation to their output
  • Exploration of significant musical developments in Western Art Music from the Baroque to mid-20th Century
  • Identification of seminal works of each era


Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, a student will be able to:

  • Recognise the main composers and repertoire associated with Western Art Music from the Baroque to mid-20th Century
  • Discuss the stylistic conventions of each era
  • Assess the impact of political and social changes on the music and composers of each era


Learning and Teaching Methods

  • Weekly participative seminars
  • Guided listening both during class and independently
  • Guided viewing of relevant audio-visual materials


Assessment Methods

100% Continuous Assessment

Year 1

Semester 1 Semester 2

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

Year 2

Semester 3 Semester 4

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

Year 3

Semester 5 Semester 6

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

Year 4

Semester 7 Semester 8

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject


Course Leaders

Dr Hazel Farrell

Programme Leader BA (Hons) Music, Lecturer in Music -

Call: +35351302263

Email: [email protected]


Part Time Student Helpdesk


Call: +35351302040

Email: [email protected]
