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Dates to be confirmed.

Appeals Procedure

The appeals procedure addresses substantive irregularity in the exam or assessment process. The basis of this system is that any mitigating factors of which the student is aware prior to the examination must be processed through the examination board by submitting a mitigating circumstances form.

Examination results may be appealed on the basis of perceived substantive irregularity or inequity in the examination process or in the delivery of the prescribed curriculum in accordance with criteria approved and ratified by the Academic Council or other Validating Authority.

A student who wishes to appeal an examination result must do so online setting out the grounds for the appeal in full to the VP for Academic Affairs, Teaching & Learning. Closing date for appeals changes per exam session, so please review the website close to the time of exam results release for exact dates and times. There shall be a fee of €60 for an appeal application. This fee will only be reimbursed should the appeal be upheld. Forms can be submitted online.

Please note that the following statements do not qualify as the appeal grounds:

  • ‘I thought I should have done better’
  • ‘I put a lot of effort into this subject’
  • ‘Everybody in class has failed this exam’
  • ‘I feel I deserve to pass’
  • ‘My other marks are much higher’
  • ‘The exam was harder than I expected’
  • ‘My lecturer did not like me’
  • ‘I want someone else to check my paper’
  • ‘I wasn’t well for this exam’
  • ‘The lecturer didn’t prepare me sufficiently’

In some of these cases, before results are discussed at the Examination Board, a Mitigating Circumstances procedure may apply. In other cases, listed above, students should seek feedback on their performance from the relevant lecturer or seek clarification on matters of concern from a Course Leader, Head of Department or Head of School/Faculty.

Upon receipt of an appeal, the VP for Academic Affairs, Teaching & Learning shall refer the matter to the Examinations Appeal Board, and shall inform the relevant Head(s) of Department and School that an appeal has been lodged.

Pending the outcome of an appeal, students should be advised as follows:

  • An appeal may not necessarily be successful.
  • Candidates should avail themselves of any opportunity to repeat the examination, on the understanding that to repeat an examination would not prejudice their appeal in any way.
  • The conferring of an academic award, where relevant, may be deferred, pending the final outcome of the appeal.

Examinations Appeal Board

  • The Board shall normally consist of ten members, including the VP for Academic Affairs, Teaching & Learning or nominee who shall chair the board.
  • Four of the remaining members shall be members of the Academic Council, appointed by the Academic Council and four shall be Heads of School.
  • The tenth member to be appointed when necessary shall be a suitably qualified and experienced person from outside the University.
  • The Examinations Appeal Board shall consider the appeal on the grounds on which it is presented, and shall, as appropriate, consult with the Course Board, with individual Internal Examiners and with External Examiner(s).
  • The Examinations Appeal Board shall determine the appeal by giving a decision. The VP for Academic Affairs, Teaching & Learning shall inform the appellant, the Head of Department and the Course Board of the outcome of the appeal.

The major difference between these and earlier arrangements is that anything known to the student which may affect examination performance must be made known to the examination board. Only matters arising subsequently, or matters that natural justice would preclude the examination board from hearing, should be the basis of a formal appeal.

Forms will be available below at the relevant time. 

Comments of a personal nature or complaints against an individual should not form part of the appeal. Where a candidate wants to make a complaint against another individual, they should in the first instance discuss this with the relevant Head of Department.

Application form 

The dates for the online appeals process for Semester 1 Examinations in the 2024/2025 academic year have not yet been confirmed.