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The Programme for Access to Higher Education (PATH) was established in 2017 by the Department of Education and Skills (now DFHERIS) to support the implementation of the National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher Education 2015 -2019. 

PATH is divided into five strands all committed to increasing participation by socio-economic groups traditionally underrepresented in higher education. In 2020, Minister Harris allocated €300,000 to support prospective learners from the Travelling community. An additional €450,000 was allocated in 2021 to develop ongoing initiatives but to also expand the scope of PATH to include learners from the Roma community. The funding strand to support Travellers and Roma students into Higher Education was named PATH5.

SETU Carlow campus and other HEI’s collaborate to foster access initiatives and promote inclusion through an inter institutional group called the Southern Cluster. This collaboration which formed under the SOAR Project which in turn is funded by PATH. The Southern Cluster includes SETU Waterford campus, Munster TU, University College Cork and dedicated community partners.

PATH5 funding had had specific objectives, namely:

  • Promote and increase the participation in Higher Education by members of the Travelling and Roma communities.
  • Initiate and develop community-based relationships with the Travelling community.
  • Build partnerships with Roma organisations and the Roma community to heighten awareness of their cultural needs in Higher Education.

SETU Carlow campus is fully committed to the aims of PATH5 and to support this objective a PATH Administrator was appointed. This Administrator promotes the aims of PATH to the Travelling and Roma communities through varied initiatives including:

  • Undergoing Traveller Culture Awareness Training (TCAT) to reach a fuller appreciation of the challenges facing the Travelling community.
  • Creating relationships with community organisations, charities and support groups to explore learning around best practices.
  • Supporting culturally appropriate educational projects that foster engagement with learners from both communities with ongoing and further education.
  • Hosting discussions on the SETU Carlow campus about overcoming the barriers to education facing members of the Travelling & Roma communities. Also, using this opportunity to showcase our facilities while developing relationships with the Travelling and Roma communities.
  • Advocating for students from the Traveller and Roma communities on the SETU Carlow campus through supports such as the 1916 Bursary Fund.

The PATH Administrator Aisling McHugh, can be contacted at or at +353 59 9175603.