Following a review by the SETU Access Office regarding the amount of laptops available, the decision has been made that the Laptop Loan Scheme is not in a position to reopen.
SETU, through the COVID supports grant scheme, have had a limited number of laptop units available to loan to eligible students whether they are on campus or studying from home since the 2020-2021 academic year.
Please find information about the eligibility criteria for the scheme below as well as the direct email address that students can contact for further information below;
Please note the following HEA criteria for eligibility for the scheme;
- There may be more applicants than devices and there is no guarantee that you will be successful, even if you meet the criteria.
- The devices will remain the property of SETU Waterford and will be distributed to eligible students by means of an appropriate lending/rental scheme.
- The scheme covers both incoming first year students and returning students.
- A loan agreement including the terms and conditions will apply.
- Devices can be retrieved from students if they pause or discontinue their studies.
Please note:
This scheme is open to all students who for financial reasons are not in a position to purchase a laptop of their own – You will be required to upload supporting documentation to demonstrate that you and or your parents/guardians are not in a financial position to purchase a laptop.
For more information please contact
Return of device:
If you are in possession of a laptop c/o the scheme and are no longer registered as a student in SETU please contact to arrange the return of the laptop.
Full-time and part-time students (both undergraduate and postgraduate) who may fall under the following criteria are eligible to apply to receive a device under this scheme.
Please note: This scheme is open to all students who for financial reasons are not in a position to purchase a laptop of their own – You will be required to upload supporting documentation to demonstrate that you and or your parents/guardians are not in a financial position to purchase a laptop.
Please note all applicants will be required to provide evidence of socio economic disadvantage with their application.
Students disadvantaged by socio-economic barriers
First-time mature students
Ineligible Students
International, non-EU fee-paying students will not be considered eligible for support under this Grant.
Application Outcome
Applicants will be informed of the outcome through their student email and, if successful, will receive the devices shortly afterwards.
Students will be required to present appropriate and supporting documentation when applying to the laptop scheme. These documents may include proof of the student’s/parent’s income, as appropriate, and receipts for costs such as rent, bills or childcare and other forms of supporting documentation/ proof of circumstances.