With a strong heritage of partnership and regional engagement at SETU, we are committed to the South East region of Ireland and building relationships with our community that have a lasting impact. We aim to strengthen our ties by deepening our key regional partnerships across education and research and being open to engagement for the betterment of our students,

We engage with many public bodies such as IDA, Education & Training Boards, and Enterprise Ireland to support industry collaboration, skills training and entrepreneurship.
We are a critical partner to the IDA in promoting the talent, research and innovation capabilities within the region to international delegations looking to the south east as an investment location.

SETU’s Faculty of Lifelong Learning has developed a number of partnerships in education and through these collaborations, we have supported community education creating transformative higher education pathways. We have been at the forefront of access and widening participation for many years, and this continues to be a strategic priority of SETU.