All-Ireland Architecture Research Group Conference - Ethics in Architecture
Date : Thu 13 Mar - Fri 14 Mar
Granary Campus, Hanover Street, Waterford City
The 14th annual All-Ireland Architecture Research Group (AIARG) conference aims to gather knowledge and experience on how architectural practitioners, educators, and theorists understand today’s ethical challenges in architecture. This event will take place on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 March 2025 at SETU's Granary Campus.
The Grafton Architects Freespace manifesto for the Venice Biennale 2018 explored the theme of 'Earth as our client' which underlines that architects’ ethical responsibilities are much broader than architects’ professional codes of conduct generally frame them to be. These obligations and responsibilities influence architectural practice broadly and profoundly. The conference will seek responses from architects, scholars, educators, and philosophers to the question about the architect’s actual duties to the environment, heritage, public space, society, and the profession itself.
The conference’s main ambition is to explore ethical aspects in the context of current and emerging challenges, such as climate urgency and Artificial Intelligence (AI) amongst a myriad of others. The organisers wish to document best practices and considerations from Ireland and internationally in how architects deal, or potentially might deal with various ethical dilemmas. The conference seeks to provoke a wide-ranging debate on the profession’s ethics as a whole – in architectural practice, in the theory of architecture, and in the education of architects.
Booking is required to attend.
With queries, please contact Dr Robin Stubbs [email protected]