Try SETU for Mature Students 2025
Date : Wed 12 Mar
Time : 09:00 - 15:00
Cost : €0
Cork Road Campus, Waterford, X91 K0EK
This event is for prospective mature students applicants (over 23) looking to return to education which in SETU. Attendees will get the opportunity to meet lecturers, current mature students, gain knowledge on supports available as SETU students, learn about fees and grants, and take a tour of our campus.
This Try event for mature students offers students a taste of college life and what it's like to study again. Many of our students have used this day as a stepping stone to further study.
The taster day will include lectures, information sessions and activities. Experienced staff and current mature students will be on hand to offer support and contribute throughout the day. There will be information relating to application procedures for the university, financial support, programmes of study and student support information.
Is this event right for me now?
It is particularly aimed at people who:
- Have applied or considering applying through the CAO to SETU as a mature applicant by 1 February or 1 May 2025.
- Want to prepare to attend SETU as a mature student for the 2025/2026 academic year.
- Have little or no previous experience of third level education.
- May be an early school leaver.
- Prospective Springboard and Part-time students can check out their options at
What will the day entail?
- Meet lecturers
- Meet current mature students
- Get information on supports
- Take a campus tour
- Learn more about the CAO, fees and grants and so much more
Email: [email protected] with any queries.
Nervous about university?
Although mature students can face obstacles, especially if re-entering the system after a prolonged absence from formal education, many students who study at the university have shown that these can be overcome. Mature students have a wealth of knowledge and experience with which they make a valuable contribution.