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Prof Veronica Campbell, President of South East Technological University and Prof Patrick Prendergast, Chair of the University’s governing body met with An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar on SETU’s Cork Road campus earlier this week to discuss future plans for the University.

SETU is currently finalising its Strategic Plan ‘Connecting for Impact 2023-2028’. The ambitious strategy will set out SETU’s growth and development plans for the coming five years with reference to its research, its teaching, and its partnerships with communities, enterprise, and myriad agencies and bodies within and outside the south east region.

The Plan is the result of very extensive consultation on the part of SETU both within the new university and with external partners. Consultation opened in October last year and continues until the middle of March.

The strong focus of the University will be on mobilising SETU’s expertise and assets for the good of society, particularly within the communities most immediately served by the University, and with particular reference to sustainable development. The plan will describe how university staff, students and graduates will be active contributors to developing the region as a centre for excellence for innovation and creativity, driving regional economic and social development.

While deeply rooted in the regional community, the strategic plan will also see SETU extensively linked internationally and will facilitate connectivity of the south east with the wider world.

SETU is expected to publish ‘Connecting for Impact 2023-2028’ to coincide with the first anniversary of the University’s establishment in May.