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Enterprise Ireland recognises that young entrepreneurs are a seedbed for entrepreneurship and business start-ups. Keeping with that ethos, the 2024 Student Entrepreneur Awards is directly focused on encouraging young enterprising students who may consider entrepreneurship as a career development option.

The Student Entrepreneur Awards is Ireland’s largest Student Enterprise awards programme, and this year marks the 43rd year since the beginning of the competition. 

The Student Entrepreneur Awards is open to all full time registered third level students in Ireland and is an annual event lead and managed by Enterprise Ireland with a number of co-sponsors including Cruickshank, Grant Thornton and the Local Enterprise Office.

Applications for this year’s Student Entrepreneur Awards competition are currently open via Enterprise Ireland's website, which can be viewed here.

Participating student teams are in with a chance to win cash prizes totalling €35,000 in addition to receiving business consultancy advice from Enterprise Ireland and the programme sponsors. 

The timeline for the Student Entrepreneur Awards 2024 is as follows: 

15 March 2024 – Closing date – 2-minute video pitch submission by students 
05 April 2024     – Top 50 teams will be requested to submit a business plan 
10 May 2024   – Deadline for Top 50 Business Plans 
24 May 2024   – Top 10 finalists will be announced 
06 June 2024    – Top 10 teams will present to our panel of judges 
07 June 2024    – The final ceremony and Student Entrepreneur of the Year announced.  

Please see for more info.

GROWTHhub is happy to help students prepare video pitches and support them in their application. Please contact Margaret at [email protected]e for an initial discussion.