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The Visiting Professor met with staff and students from the School of Business and presented an inspiring research workshop

The Centre for Finance and Business Research were delighted to welcome back Visiting Professor Ingrid Jeacle to the School of Business at South East Technological University (SETU) in Waterford.

Over the course of a busy few days Prof Jeacle held a series of meetings with research students and staff in the school. She also delivered a thought provoking and stimulating workshop to research students and staff titled 'Constructing a Theorised Storyline in a Paper ' in which she illustrated the incorporation of theory into papers for publication.

Accounting and popular culture

Prof Jeacle is a Visiting Professor for 2022 and 2023. A graduate of Trinity College Dublin, she trained as a chartered accountant before pursuing an academic career and is now Professor of Accounting and Popular Culture at University of Edinburgh.

Ingrid's research seeks to broaden the scope of accounting scholarship by recognising the richness in exploring the inter-linkages between accounting and popular culture. Traditionally regarded as trivial and unworthy of academic attention, research into the regular rituals that pervade the everyday is now a legitimate field of scholarly inquiry among social theorists. Ingrid's own PhD examined accounting practices within the department store and since then she has published papers on the role of accounting in the areas of architecture, furniture design, tea drinking, shopping, fashion, travel, and cinema.

Accounting, Audit and Accountability Journal Hall of Fame

A distinguished academic with an excellent publication record, Prof Jeacle is a member of the editorial board of a number of leading international accounting journals. Ingrid has guest edited special issues on this research theme for Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (2012), Critical Perspectives on Accounting (2016), Management Accounting Research (2017) and Accounting History (2021). She is currently Co-Director of the University of Edinburg Business School's Culture, Accounting & Society (CAS) Research Network. In 2019 she won the Accounting, Audit and Accountability Journal Hall of Fame Award for her contribution to interdisciplinary accounting.

The University looks forward to Prof Jeacle’s next visit.

For further information contact: Collette Kirwan or Sheila O'Donohoe