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Generative AI systems such as ChatGPT are already posing challenges for education. They can write essays for students, summarise scientific texts, produce lesson plans, engage in conversations, and draft academic papers. While universities are seeking to implement policies to regulate their use in the classroom, these AI systems continue to evolve

The School of Education and Lifelong Learning in SETU Waterford is hosting the third IGNITION Community of Practice online event on November 7 from 12pm to 1pm.

As part of the IGNITION Community of Practice series, Professor Mike Sharples will discuss the challenges of generative AI for inclusive Higher Education.


Challenges include detecting student assignments that have been generated by AI; developing institutional policy on inclusive and equitable use of AI; and promoting a program of AI literacy for staff and students.  

Prof Sharples, a former Emeritus Professor of Educational Technology at The Open University, will also explore opportunities for the use of AI in education, including new roles for AI in teaching, learning, and assessment. Rather than seeing AI solely as a challenge to traditional education, we can prepare students for a future where AI is a tool for creativity and productivity, to be operated with great care and awareness of its limitations.  

Professor Sharples’ research involves human-centred design of new technologies and environments for learning. He inaugurated the mLearn conference series and was Founding President of the International Association for Mobile Learning. He is the author of over 300 books and papers. 


The event is part of the IGNITION Erasmus+ funded project, which aims to enhance digital literacy and inclusion among lecturers, faculty staff, students, and life-long learners across Europe. It is open to all education professionals and those interested in learning more about digital inclusivity and AI.  

Project partners include Hanze University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands); Hochschule Bremen (Germany); Polytechnic Institute of Braganza (IPB)(Portugal); and the School of Education and Lifelong Learning at SETU.   

For more information on the IGNITION initiative and for details on previous CoPs please visit and follow us on LinkedIn. Tor register for the event click here