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The workshop brought researchers from a variety of disciplines together to discuss their research and identify opportunities for collaboration

The Research Support Unit at South East Technological University (SETU) was delighted to host recently an in-person Interdisciplinary Research Workshop at the Cork Road Campus in Waterford.

When implemented effectively, interdisciplinary research can address societal “grand challenges”, and this approach is increasingly required in funding applications. The workshop brought together 20 researchers from across campuses and a variety of disciplines, from business and humanities to science and health, to discuss their research, create connections and identify potential opportunities for collaboration.

The session was delivered by Dr PJ White and Dr Brian Casey, senior lecturers in DesignCORE at SETU in Carlow, which included an overview of what Interdisciplinary research constitutes, its importance, and necessary tools. Examples of international best practice case studies were shared. Then through a co-design participatory approach, attendees actively drew on their experiences and provided input to inform and further the development of an interdisciplinary research culture at SETU.

Commenting on the importance of such work, Dr Geraldine Canny, Head of Research at SETU in Waterford said, “It is imperative that SETU researchers acquire the necessary skills to work collectively on complex societal issues using an interdisciplinary approach. I was delighted to facilitate this interesting workshop which was attended by colleagues across several disciplines and from different campuses. The event enabled an introductory discussion and was the first of a series that we hope to run.”