Driven by a deep passion for sport and education, Donal Ahern has always pursued goals, never allowing a childhood diagnosis of visual and hearing impairment to stand in his way.
Donal Ahern is one of almost 4,000 students graduating from South East Technological University (SETU) this week. On Tuesday, 29 October, Donal was proud to receive a Master of Science in Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology at SETU’s conferring ceremonies held at SETU Arena at the University’s West Campus in Waterford.
Hailing from Ballynoe, County Cork and past pupil of Coláiste an Chraoibhín, Fermoy, Donal Ahern has always embraced the challenges of education, having completed his undergraduate degree in Applied Psychology at University College Cork, and then a Diploma in Sports and Exercise Psychology at IBAT College Dublin.
He enrolled in SETU’s Master of Science in Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology and achieved a 2.1 result for his thesis which analysed the mental health of staff who work in equestrian racing establishments throughout the country.

Importance of support
Discussing his journey, Donal credits his supportive upbringing for his optimism and drive to succeed. “I grew up on a farm which taught my siblings and I the value of hard work from an early age. My family was heavily involved in our local community, lending a hand at fundraisers, school events and in our local sports clubs. I have been extremely fortunate to grow up in a supportive family and community. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and I believe this statement is very appropriate for my upbringing as several experiences with various members of my community shaped my upbringing.”
Adapt and overcome
When Donal was just three years old, he was diagnosed with a visual impairment. At 10 he was diagnosed with a hearing impairment. However, Donal’s disability has not hindered him in achieving his goals by utilising hearing aids and assistive technology on his iPhone and laptop.
Donal availed of SETU’s disability supports to assist him in his completion of his Master’s degree. “Laura Hartrey and the team in SETU’s Disability Office were extremely welcoming. I availed of personal assistants to help me take notes in class. My lecturers were really accommodating and encouraged inclusivity in the classroom.”
He noted the support of his fellow classmates: “They valued my opinion and included me in all group work tasks and helped when my personal assistant was not present. They made me feel assured that I was accepted for who I am.
I guess my visual impairment could be a perceived daily challenge for people who don’t have a visual impairment. However, I have accepted that perceived challenge for a long time. I personally do not see it as a huge challenge anymore.
Donal Ahern
Passion for sport
On his love for sport, Donal explained: “I always had a passion for sport, which has been instilled in me from my family, especially my grandmother. I continued this love of sport throughout my teenage years by attending major sporting occasions.”
Having now completed his Master’s degree at SETU, Donal discussed his hopes for the future: “My hopes are to find a role within an appropriate sport setting, which is interesting, enjoyable, challenging and fulfilling. I hope this qualification will provide me with opportunities to expand my horizons both personally and professionally. I would hope that my role and work will be valued by sporting organisations in the future.”
Image shows: Donal Ahern graduated with a Master of Science in Applied Sport & Exercise Psychology from South East Technological University (SETU). Donal was pictured with his family at SETU Arena in Waterford on Tuesday with his family.