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South East Technological University and Tiglin hosted an event at the Whale Theatre in Greystones, Co. Wicklow, to celebrate the transformative impact of their ongoing partnership.

Tiglin, a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting individuals facing homelessness, addiction, and displacement, joined forces with SETU to mark the inspiring outcomes achieved in the first year of their collaborative project. Together, they are blazing a trail of optimism and opportunity for those who have faced adversity.

Speaking about the importance of the project, Simon Harris, Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation, and Science, commented, “This is a truly transformational programme. This project is about making sure everyone gets a chance to reach their full potential in life and it is clear it is working. A survey of the students showed 89% stated that completing a higher education had a positive impact on their confidence and belief in their abilities. A further 81% said that it had a positive impact on their sense of purpose, with over 70% stating that they would like to undertake more studies in the future. I believe this programme offers people a second chance at life. We all know the impact of addiction. There is not one family that has not been impacted by homelessness, drug, or alcohol addiction. Education can help break that cycle. I am so pleased to see this project embedded and now I want to see it grow.”

Speaking about the impact of the project so far, Professor Veronica Campbell, President SETU said, “I’m delighted to be here today to celebrate the achievements of our project to date. SETU’s partnership with Tiglin, and the support it received from the HEA, means that the university can continue in its strategic goals to maximise educational opportunities for learners by enhancing alternative pathways to third-level courses. Our partnership with Tiglin is offering real opportunity for transformational learning and broadening access to higher education for all learners involved.”

''Education is a gift nobody can take away," says Phil Thompson, CEO of Tiglin, encapsulating the spirit of empowerment that lies at the heart of this collaboration. Since 2016, Tiglin and SETU have worked together, with their partnership entering a new phase in 2023 with the beginning of this three-year project funded by the Higher Education Authority (HEA), entitled, ‘Using the power of transformative education through inclusive education, leadership and enterprise to end the cycle of addiction.’ This groundbreaking project aligns seamlessly with the National Access Plan, embodying the “whole person” approach championed by Tiglin.

Over the past year, SETU has delivered an impressive array of courses to Tiglin residents, including the Certificate in Learning to Learn at Third Level, Certificate in Introduction to Psychology, Certificate in Communications, and Certificate in Critical and Ethical Thinking in a Changing World.

The event was opened by Prof. Veronica Campbell, who introduced a video documenting the work of the project thus far. This was followed by a speech from Minister Harris and a panel discussion highlighting the achievements of the project in its first year. The panel included Prof. Campbell, Aubrey McCarthy, Chairperson of Tiglin, Phil Thompson, CEO of Tiglin, a lecturer from SETU who facilitated the courses, and a Tiglin learner who discussed the student experience.

This event serves as a testament to the transformative power of education, turning challenges into opportunities. The HEA-funded project will continue for a further two years and Tiglin and SETU remain committed to providing a pathway to a brighter and more promising future for all.


Photo Caption: L-R, Aubrey McCarthy, Co-founder and Chairperson of Tiglin; Simon Harris, Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation, and Science; and Professor Veronica Campbell, President of SETU, are pictured at the Whale Theatre in Greystones, Co. Wicklow for the launch of the Tiglin video project celebrating the completion of the first year of the Higher Education Authority (HEA) funded project entitled; ‘Using the power of transformative education through inclusive education, leadership and enterprise to end the cycle of addiction’, a project which follows seven years of collaboration between SETU and Tiglin. The video captures the stories of students of Tiglin and SETU’s recent collaboration.