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EU-CONEXUS is seeking individuals from Higher Education Institutes, research centres, business or public sector organisations to join their Blue Growth Leaders’ Academy for an online series of workshops and training.

With a start date of Monday, 8 April topics covered include the principles of sustainable city and port management, coastal recreational zone management strategies for stakeholder engagement, digital transformation and energy management. The programme also aims to enhance communication and collaboration skills particularly when working with diverse stakeholders and to review and support organisational strategic objectives.

The training is designed with two target groups in mind for example managers from public organisations such as local authorities or port related organisations and then academics or researchers interested in the field of blue growth, port activities and sustainable cities. The programme aims to explore potential partnerships while developing competencies around team work, collaboration and ideation.

The Blue Growth Academy will begin on Monday, 8 April online at 12 noon Irish time (1pm CET). The programme will run bi-weekly on Monday’s for approximately 3 hours including breaks.


8 April: Introduction to the course: the aims, course flow, the introduction of speakers and topics, and outcomes (all participants).

Sustainable City Stream 

22 April: Blue Growth Foresight: scenarios for innovation & business strategy

13 May:  Smart City/Region (mobility, energy, staff)

27 May: Sustainable Tourism: ideas shaping the industry

10 June: Digital Transformation (digitalisation) and Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Management

Sustainable Port Stream 

15 April: Introduction to Blue Economy. Focus on present and future market opportunities (fundamental – maritime transport)

29 April: Digitalisation of the marine environment

20 May: Energy. New frontiers for blue economy. Breakthrough technologies in blue economy (use of alternative energy)

3 June: Aquaculture

Final Live Event, Valencia, Spain

9-11 July: Workshop designed to help the participants apply their knowledge and receive feedback

Participants are welcome to pick a stream which is of more interest to them while the offer to attend all sessions is open to all. For those who attend at least 6 sessions, they will receive an academy certificate. For those who decide to choose a one stream, they must attend 4 sessions to receive a certificate for that particular stream. The final session is a live event in Valencia, Spain from 9-11 July where approximately 20 mobilities will be issued to those who have attended the entire course or completed a stream.

Interested participants are welcome to contact the EU-CONEXUS team at SETU to discuss further about the Blue Growth Leaders’ Academy. To participate, individuals are invited to complete the registration form


EU-CONEXUS is a fully-fledged transnational European University offering joint education, training and study programmes, joint research and professional development opportunities for all of its staff, researchers, and students. EU-CONEXUS is themed on Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability, focusing on education, research & innovation, and knowledge-sharing activities on defining, understanding and addressing societal challenges experienced by communities from urban and semi-urbanised coastal regions (rivers, seas and oceans).

Further details can be found on the EU-CONEXUS website