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BSc (Hons) in Sport and Exercise Science graduate, Érin O'Sullivan, is now studying a Master's in Physiotherapy at Queen Margaret University (QMU) in Edinburgh. The Cork native credits the incredible support from lecturers and peers at South East Technological University (SETU) in helping her become "the best version" of herself.

Érin made the honours list for academic achievement across all four years of her studies here at SETU. After graduating, she hopes to use the knowledge gained at SETU and QMU to open her own physiotherapy clinic.

Pairing two passions 

I always loved sport since I was a child and took part in almost every sport in my local town. When it came to secondary school I had a keen interest in biology and physical education, so that helped me to decide that Sport and Exercise Science at SETU was my goal.

The "best version of myself"

I love taking care of my health, more specifically in the gym where I feel most at home. When you have an interest in sports, health and well-being (both physical and mental) it is an easy decision. The small class sizes, hands-on modules and the effort the lecturers make to know your name meant the world to me. Joining SETU was the best decision I have made in my academic career as it set me up to be the best version of myself.

The lecturers couldn't have been more helpful and people-orientated. The fact they made an effort to know you personally and that they were only ever an email away made everything much easier.

Érin O'Sullivan SETU Student

Well-organised lectures

Several things helped me during my studies, but the main elements were the lecturers and my peers. The lecturers couldn't have been more helpful and people-orientated. The fact they made an effort to know you personally and that they were only ever an email away made everything much easier. The course materials were well organised and the classes were hands-on, which gave you the best experience possible. My peers also were amazing for supporting me, it felt like a family who were all looking out for one another.

Highly-transferrable skills

The knowledge I learned in exercise prescription, biomechanics and anatomy has become extremely useful to my current pursuit of a master's in physiotherapy. Also, dealing with different people of all abilities was extremely important. The skills acquired at SETU are highly transferrable. Not just to workplaces or academic institutions, but also in everyday interactions with others.


Make sure to always keep up with your studies but let your hair down every once in a while. It's really important to find a college/life balance, whether that is going to the gym, reading a book in the library or talking to friends, do what is best for you and how you feel supports you best during your studies. Look after your mental health and always ask for help if you need it, lecturers are there to help you!