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After a two-year hiatus, Brokers Ireland ‘Meet the Market Day’ 2022 took place today at RDS, Dublin on Thursday, 15 September. The team from Insurance at South East Technological University (SETU), Centre for Insurance, Risk, and Data Analytics Studies (CIRDAS) and Faculty of Lifelong Learning attended the event that enabled insurance brokers from across the country to engage with specialist providers exhibiting on the day.

Over 80 suppliers operating in the Irish market were on-hand to answer broker questions and discuss clients’ insurance needs. The team from CIRDAS and Faculty of Lifelong Learning took part to showcase the excellent suite of industry-specific courses and masterclasses designed in collaboration with SETU and insurance and financial industry leaders.

CIRDAS Manager, Damian Rossiter, Lifelong Learning Manager, Aidan Mahon, and incoming Industry Liaison Officer, Marie Esmonde, were joined by Niall Kavanagh, CEO and founder of Gatepost, a company offering an innovative, mobile-first, approach for collecting verified customer information.

CIRDAS Manager, Damian Rossiter commented “We were delighted to participate in this wonderful event for the insurance industry recognising the crucial role that brokers and MGA’s play in an efficient and healthy insurance market. Throughout the past 18 months we have worked closely with industry towards the development of bespoke educational solutions that will imbue all industry players with the requisite knowledge for the significant headwinds the industry faces. The appetite to upskill and reskill was clearly evident at the Broker’s Ireland ‘Meet the Market Day’ and being present afforded us the opportunity to highlight our newly developed programmes in areas of great demand such as in data, executive leadership or equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)”.

CIRDAS was created by SETU’s Faculty of Lifelong Learning Carlow, Insurtech Network Centre (INC) and the Higher Education Institute (HEI) in partnership with Atlantic Technological University (ATU) Letterkenny. Funded by the Higher Education Authority (HEA), CIRDAS aims to become education partner of choice for the insurance and financial services sector providing bespoke, subsidised, and accredited education from masterclass through to level 9 major awards.

The centre recently launched its fully funded Master of Business in Executive Leadership, a Higher Diploma in Business in Data Generation, Analytics and Management, and offers a suite of masterclasses in the areas of EDI and data analysis.

“Each programme has been designed in close collaboration with, and in response to, the current and future needs of industry and learners and presents a unique opportunity for learners to avail of free or heavily subsidised upskilling or reskilling. Workforce practices are changing significantly due to technological advances. Our courses are purposely designed to develop the skills and competencies of participants to ensure they have the skills required for the future and reduces the financial barriers to accessing higher education and allows participants and employers access to flexible and industry specific courses.” Commented Aidan Mahon, Lifelong Learning Manager.

For more information, contact CIRDAS manager, Damian Rossiter at [email protected], call 059 917 5267 or visit

(Left to right) Marie Esmonde, incoming CIRDAS Industry Liaison Officer; Damian Rossiter, CIRDAS Manager; Aidan Mahon, Lifelong Learning Manager, and Niall Kavanagh, CEO and Founder of Gatepo

For press queries, please contact Patricia Madden, Marketing Officer, SETU Lifelong Learning, Carlow Campus on 059 917 5274 or email [email protected]