Originally from India, Mehak Diwan studied the MSc in Construction Project Management at South East Technological University (SETU). Now working in Dornan Engineering as a graduate planner in Kilkenny, Mehak wants to encourage more women to pursue construction as a career option.
Unconventional career opportunities
I am from India and studied at an international school where I was exposed to the fields of design and technology during my studies. When I moved to Ireland for my undergraduate studies, I completed the BSc in Architectural Science at University College Dublin (UCD). There, I discovered that the field of construction had countless career options outside the traditional roles of an engineer or architect.
I was always interested in the construction industry but wasn’t aware of the career options in this space. Having researched my options, I decided to take the next step and pursue the MSc in Construction Project Management at SETU to gain a more rounded understanding of construction and the legal, financial, and environmental aspects of it.
A highlight was the diversity in my course as our class group had international students from countries all around the world. This made the experience very multi-cultural and engaging as I got to learn about everyone’s previous work experience and backgrounds which frequently led to fruitful discussions
Mehak Diwan SETU Graduate
I found the course structure to be greatly beneficial as we had a mix of coursework projects to complete along with essay-based assignments. We also completed most of our assignments in groups which was helpful as I frequently got to exchange ideas with my peers and apply that shared theoretical knowledge in the real world. I also enjoyed the practical IT workshops, which largely revolved around mastering MS Project, a planning software.
Diverse student group
A highlight was the diversity in my course as our class group had international students from countries all around the world. This made the experience very multi-cultural and engaging as I got to learn about everyone’s previous work experience and backgrounds which frequently led to fruitful discussions exchanging our experiences in class. I was also a member of SETU's Badminton Club – this was a great opportunity to meet new people as we trained weekly.

Completing a thesis
My proudest achievement was completing my master’s thesis in collaboration with Kingspan Century. We explored the application of circular economy principles in off-site construction in Ireland. I’m grateful that the course's flexibility allowed us to choose our topics of interest while still providing guidance from start to finish.
Be open to new experiences and ask questions! SETU's lecturing staff are very friendly in my experience and always open to answering any doubts. I would love for more women to pursue construction as a career option and feel safe in this space of work.