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South East Technological University (SETU) graduate Sallyanne talks about her reason for choosing this course and how she found her lectures and her experience doing a work placement.

"Some people may not realise that this course is more business-based. The lecturers who taught Tourism and Marketing at SETU were so helpful."

SETU Graduate, Sallyanne Foskin

Sallyanne Foskin recently graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Tourism and Marketing from SETU. Sallyanne was more interested in the business aspect that this course offered. This is what drew her into the course.

A 'massive impact'

Lectures and lecturers can have a massive impact on people’s experience and perception of the course. I think some people may not realise that this course is more business-based. The lecturers who taught Tourism and Marketing at SETU were so helpful.

Why I chose this course

I previously studied art for two years before realising that it was a field I couldn't see myself working in going forward. Then I saw this course and it was more marketing and business based and the fact that I get to travel drew me in. I am also from Waterford, so it was it was local and easy to get to. For many students, locality plays a major role for them in deciding where to study, just like it did for me. Choosing something you are passionate about is important too because if you choose something you aren’t interested in you won’t put the same effort into it.

Some helpful advice

I definitely would recommend this course. The placement is mandatory, and it is such a great opportunity. I would advise prospective students to do work experience in a field where you want to get a job. I completed my placement in France where I worked in summer camps for six weeks during the summer. I found it to be an amazing and rewarding experience. I would highly recommend it.