Talented filmmakers from Nemeton TV and South East Technological University (SETU) celebrated the culmination of their year-long efforts with a special premiere of their documentaries and dramas.
The students shared their compelling films with the world at a lively premiere at Dungarvan’s cinema on Tuesday, 14 May.
Reflecting on the premiere, Dr Moira Sweeney, Course Director, said, “The support of family, friends, and participants is invaluable for the students when making their short films. I would like to acknowledge especially the immense experience and specialist mentoring that our dedicated team of lecturers in Nemeton and SETU provide.”
Award-winning course
Run by SETU in collaboration with Nemeton TV and Udarás na Gaeltachta, the award-winning Higher Diploma in Arts in Television and Media Production course stands out for its industry-focused curriculum and impressive graduate employment record.
Stressing the importance of the course, Irial Mac Murchú, Nemeton TV CEO, said, “There was another fascinating range of compelling films on show this year. These emerging bi-lingual filmmakers are entering an industry, which very much needs their skills. Táimid fíor-bhuíoch as an dtacaíocht leanúnach ó Údarás na Gaeltachta chun an obair thábhachtach seo a dhéanamh.”

Several filmmakers have already received awards, while others are set to showcase their work at festivals nationwide and on TG4. Dr Susan Flynn, Head of Department at SETU, praised the quality and originality of the films: “It is so important for these filmmakers to have such a supportive environment in which they can thrive. The emphasis on creativity in this programme is wonderful.”
Susan Ní Churnáin from Oifigeach Forbartha, Údarás na Gaeltachta highlighted the importance of the work by saying, “Bhí, mar is gnáth, ard-chaighdeán bainte amach ag rannpháirtithe an chúrsa Ard Dioplóma i Léiriú Teilifíse agus na Meán arís i mbliana. Treaslaím libh uilig as an obair iontach atá á dhéanamh agus bhí an rian sin le feiscint go smior san ábhar a cuireadh os comhair an phobail i nDún Garbhán. Ócáid fíor thaithneamhach agus spéisiúil.”
Sliabh Geal Gcua na Féile le Éamon Wall (14’22)
Leanann an clár faisnéise seo scéal an fhile Pádraig Ó Miléada (1877 – 1947). Rugadh é i Sliabh gCua, Co Phort Láirge, ceantar álainn tuaithe óna bhfuair sé an inspioráid dá amhrán cáiliúil "Sliabh Geal gCua na Féile".
This documentary follows the story of poet Pádraig Ó Miléada (1877 – 1947). He was born in Sliabh gCua, Co. Port Láirge, a beautiful rural area that inspired his famous song “Sliabh Geal gCua na Féile”. Eamon lives in Kilkenny and attended Coláiste na Rinne in An Rinn.
Mary Rice Kent le Margaret O Brien (12’46)
Leanann an clár faisnéise seo saol gan iomrá Mary Rice Kent, sin-seanmháthair an scannánóra. Máthair Thomas Kent ab ea Mary, a bhí ar dhuine de cheannairí Éirí Amach 1916.
This documentary by Margaret from Tallow, Co Waterford follows the less-known life of the filmmaker’s great grandmother Mary Rice Kent from Bawnard. Mary was the mother of Thomas Kent, one of the leaders of the 1916 Rising.
Aniar Aneas le Victor Bayda (14’04)
Bhí timpeallacht Uíbh Ráthach saibhir ó thaobh na Gaolainne de 100 bliain ó shin. Faoi na 80daí bhí an teanga beagnach imithe, ach tá cúrsaí ag athrú anois le cur i bhfeidhm an chéad phlean teanga.
The Uíbh Ráthach environment was linguistically rich 100 years ago. By the 80s the language had almost disappeared, but a change is taking place with the first language plan. Victor is a fluent Irish-speaker from Russia, now living on the Iveragh Peninsula. He is working with Comhchoiste Ghaeltacht Uíbh Ráthaigh.
Four Star Trio le Oisín Ó hAonghusa (5’17)
Ina chlár faisnéise siúd, buaileann an ceoltóir Oisín leis an ‘Four Star Trio’ ó Chorcaigh. Is banna neamh-fhoirmeálta é seo a bhíonn ag cumadh agus ag seinm ní hamháin ar mhaithe an cheoil, ach ar mhaithe an tsuilt a bhaintear as chomh maith céanna.
In his documentary Dublin musician Oisín meets the 'Four Star Trio’ from Cork. This is an informal band who compose and play not just for the music and but for the joy of it!
An Mhain le Cassie Kirby
Rinne ealaíontóir mór le rá Cassie Kirby scéal a chuirfeadh fainic ort faoi vaimpír a mhaireann ar shráideanna na Rinne, atá chomh ciúin leis an uaigh. ‘Abhartach’ a thugtaí air roimhe seo, ach anois freagraíonn sé do 'Steve', ainm nach bhfuil chomh hallabhrach céanna.
Well-known An Rinn artist Cassie Kirby has made a cautionary tale of the vampire that lives among the deathly quiet streets of An Rinn. He was formerly known as Abhartach but now goes by the less enchanting title of Steve.
Lyrics in the Local le Calbhach Harte O Reilly (8’17)
Casann Calbhach leis an ealaíontóir ceoil Éireannach OFada. Canann rapálaí OFada ceann dá chuid amhrán agus suíonn sé síos i dteannta an chraoltói Mollaí Gough le haghaidh comhrá.
Calbhach meets up with Irish music artist OFada. Rapper OFada performs one of his songs and sits down with broadcaster Mollaí Gough for a chat. Calbhach Harte O Reilly is Dublin based filmmaker, who was involved in the rigging for Brice Springsteen in Kilkenny.
Tinman & An Banphrionsa - Darrell Mccrone (9’53)
Déanann Riordan, fear 39 bliana d'aois, an cinneadh go bhfuil sé chun dul go mór sa seans agus ceiliúr pósta a chur ar a chara is dlúithe ón gcoláiste. An t-aon fhadhb ná go bhfuil sí geallta le duine eile cheana féin.
Riordan, a 39-year-old man, decides he is going to risk it all and propose to his best friend from college. The only problem is she is already engaged to someone else. This is New Ross actor and writer Darrell’s first short drama.
Trioblóid Pharanormálta le Jesse Maguire (4’34)
Tá fear á chiapadh ag taibhse atá ann, is cosúil, díreach ar mhaithe a bheith ag cur as dó agus a shaol a dhéanamh níos deacra. Labhraíonn sé lena theiripeoir chun fáil amach an bhfuil a chuid amhrais fíor nó an í a shamhlaíocht faoi deara an rud ar fad.
A man is haunted by a ghostly entity that seems to exist solely to inconvenience him and make his life difficult. He talks to his therapist to see if his suspicions are true or if it is all in his head. Jesse is a Kilkenny-based filmmaker.