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Dr Emer Emily Neenan redefines academic writing while presenting her PhD research in the latest Education Research and Doctoral Seminar Series.

In her presentation titled 'ADHD by ADHD: Creative Academic Writing as ADHD Accessibility and Advantage', Dr Emer Emily Neenan introduced her ground breaking approach to academic writing on 12 April, challenging traditional thesis design by focusing on accessibility and authenticity.

More engaging and inclusive

Her innovative thesis, crafted with honesty and creativity, aimed to make academic discourse more engaging and inclusive, particularly within the context of ADHD. Dr Neenan's research delved into the emotional dynamics of academia for 'non-traditional' students and explores innovative methods for representing research and data, such as through the epistolary form.

Challenging the norms

Reflecting on her work, Dr Neenan shared, 'During my PhD, I realised I wanted to challenge the norms of academic writing and develop my own creative approach, both for my own sake as an ADHD academic, and also in an effort to produce an accessible thesis in line with my principles as a researcher.' 

Next seminar

The next seminar on 22 May will feature Dr Geraldine Mernagh's exploration into personal transformational learning processes.

Dr Emer Emily Neenan presenting her PhD research in the latest Education Research and Doctoral Seminar Series.