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South East Technological University (SETU) and Wexford Waterford Education and Training Board (WWETB) have come together to increase access to higher education for those pursuing further education at Education and Training Board (ETB) colleges in the Wexford and Waterford areas.

Representatives from SETU and WWETB came together in Wexford to sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that will reinforce the relationship between both organisations ensuring increased access to higher education for WWETB students.

Students from WWETB colleges will have the opportunity to progress to higher education courses at SETU via the SETU Further Education Progression Pathways initiative. The initiative enables access to courses in computing, engineering, science, business, and humanities. It also provides for staff development and other collaborative opportunities between the two organisations.

Speaking on the signing of the agreement, Prof. Veronica Campbell, President of SETU said, “I’m delighted to join with our colleagues from WWETB for the signing of this agreement between our two organisations. Enhancing access to higher education for students within the ETB network is vital for SETU to achieve its aims of regional connectivity that serves learners in the south east from all backgrounds, and at various stages of their educational journey.”

Kevin Lewis, Chief Executive Officer at WWETB commented, “WWETB is delighted to work in partnership with SETU to ensure that learners across the region can identify clear pathways to progress their educational journey.”

The MOA complements national strategy for tertiary education and SETU’s own strategic commitments to providing greater access to, and easing the transition to, higher education as set out in its recently published Strategic Plan 2023-2028: Connecting for Impact.

More information on SETU’s Further Education Progression Pathway.