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SETU hosts its annual Product Design Exhibition at its newly opened Corporate Support Services Building at the University's Kilkenny Road Campus in Carlow. The showcase is in its 53rdyear and runs from 17 to 24 May.

The exhibition demonstrates the work of students of the Bachelor of Arts programmes in Product Design and Innovation and the Master of Arts in Interaction Design. This year, student projects focus on healthcare, domestic appliances, environmental awareness, and tattooing.

Additionally, students showcased work carried out on interaction design for older adults in the community, and the SETU community around parking and career services. Interaction design involves students engaging in applied research and community-based initiatives to look for opportunities where design can improve the interaction between people, systems, and products.

Speaking about the showcase, Hilary Dempsey, SETU Programme Director of Product Innovation Design said, “We are delighted to celebrate the 53rd annual Product Design Exhibition. Each year, as part of their course, the students exhibit their projects to promote the knowledge and skillset they have developed at SETU. It is also a great opportunity for them to celebrate the great work achieved over the year. We are very proud of the work the students have delivered. I would encourage anyone interested in pursuing study in product design to visit the exhibition, or indeed feel free to contact the Department of Humanities at SETU for more information on what we offer.”

Exemplary work from the early years of the programmes is also on display in areas like lighting and modelmaking. community engagement, smarter travel, and research. The showcase is an excellent opportunity for companies and potential employers to see what our students and graduates have to offer. It’s also a chance for prospective students to come and see first-hand the learning done on SETU’s product design courses.

For more information on the University’s product design courses, visit