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The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings bring the top young scientists from around the world together with Noel Laureates to educate and inspire and share their research

Dr Rebecca Power, Postdoctoral Researcher at South East Technological University (SETU), was proud to be chosen as one of the 635 most qualified young scientists from around the world to take part in the prestigious 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings serve as a distinctive international scientific platform, fostering exchange among various generations, cultures, and fields. Each year in the picturesque town of Lindau in Germany, 30-40 Nobel Laureates convene to engage with our top young scientists. The meetings create an extraordinary chance to educate, inspire, and connect future leading scientists across diverse disciplines.

Fostering international friendships

Dr Rebecca Power shared her recent experience and highlights from the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting which was dedicated to the Physiology/Medicine field. Rebecca’s participation in the event was kindly sponsored by the Irish Research Council: “Being selected to attend the prestigious Lindau meeting held immense personal and professional significance for me. I was very proud to represent my university and my country. The Lindau experience provided not only a platform to engage with Nobel Laureates but also a chance to be immersed in diverse cultures through events hosted by different nations, fostering international friendships and broadening my outlook on global scientific challenges."

Dynamic scientific program

She added, "The week-long event included a dynamic scientific program that ranged from traditional lectures and panel discussions to interactive formats like Agora Talks and Open Exchanges where young scientists were able to have informal discussions and interactive dialogues with Nobel Laureates. Impromptu one-to-one interactions with Nobel Laureates were a frequent yet special occurrence at the Lindau meetings. Many Nobel Laureates were delighted to converse during coffee and lunch breaks, while others were happy to be approached during the many social gatherings that are held in the evenings.

Throughout the course of the week there were ample opportunities to also meet and speak with fellow researchers. While these interactions offered a chance to exchange ideas, share research insights and challenges, and explore potential collaborations, on an informal level they sparked the sharing of laughter and the development of friendships.

Participating in the Lindau Nobel Laureate meetings was undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime experience that empowered and inspired me, as well as my fellow young scientists, to drive meaningful progress in research practices, science, and society.”

The 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (Physics) will take place 30 June to 5 July 2024.


Photo Caption (R-L): Dr Rebecca Power (South East Technological University) and Aidan Buffey (PhD Researcher at University of Limerick) were selected by the Irish Research Council to represent Ireland at the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting.